Title: Bilal Basrai Founder and President
1Bilal Basrai Founder and President
Bilal Basrai is a financial expert based in
Naperville, Illinois. He has been responsible for
identifying, cultivating and developing corporate
finance clients, and advising them through the
various stages of their transactions. He has also
been with the Stanford Financial Group and
Salomon Smith Barney. He has an Economics degree
from the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champagne. Bilal Basrai is currently
celebrating a long and successful career as a
Corporate Advisor. Currently working with C. K.
Cooper Company as the Director of Corporate
Finance, Basrai offers his employer an extensive
knowledge of the financial world.
2Bilal Basrai Skilled at Financial Modeling
To better understand the financial health of a
business, Bilal Basrai has learned to construct
financial models that serve to examine a
business. These types of financial
representations are constructed using
mathematics, and are an invaluable way to draw
hypotheses about the financial markets and their
projected growth. A skilled financial modeler
will make all the difference in your next
business venture.
3Bilal Basrai Astute Corporate Advisor
After earning a degree in Finance and Economics
from the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champagne, Bilal Basrai used his education
to become a well-respected Corporate Advisor.
With his knowledge and skill, Basrai has worked
for some of the world's top fiduciary companies,
including UBS and Salomon Smith Barney. His
knowledge and experience are vital to each client
he works with.
4Bilal Basrai Long Time Tennis Player
Throughout his early years, Bilal Basrai spent
many hours playing tennis. In high school, Basrai
was so talented at playing tennis that he was
able to attend the State Championship during both
his junior and senior years. His love of tennis
also led him to teach tennis to others during
summer breaks. Good tennis coaches are able to
adapt their skills and styles to the players they
are coaching, and are always trying to improve
themselves. One of the best strategies for
playing the game of tennis is to try and keep the
ball in specific areas of the court.
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