Estate Planning and Taxes in Kentucky - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Estate Planning and Taxes in Kentucky


Estate planning can at times be an uncomfortable and confusing topic. We've taken the guess work out the process and explain words like Estate Tax, Death Tax and Estate and explain the process in simple terms. Learn everything you need to know about planning for the future right here. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Estate Planning and Taxes in Kentucky

Estate Planning Taxes
  • What You Need to Know About Planning For The

Death Taxes
  • We hear a lot of talk about death taxes from
    politicians, pundits and armchair economists.
    Its a popular talking point, but what does it
    really mean for those planning their estates?
    Lets take a look at estate planning, taxes and
    how it impacts most of us.

Estate Planning Terms
  • First, lets define a few basic terms
  • Estate - This refers to all of the property and
    assets that a person owns or controls, including
    land, houses, cars, furniture, etc. It also
    includes businesses, business interests,
    insurance, pension benefits, debts, obligations
    and any legal claims a person has against others.
  • Estate Tax - This is a tax on the net value of a
    deceased persons estate.
  • Estate Planning - Estate planning means
    designating who will receive your property after
    you pass, and how you will be cared for if you
    are no longer self-sufficient. This is
    accomplished through a number of legal documents
    and actions. The most widely used estate planning
    tool is a will, which sets forth who will inherit
    your property.

The Tools of Estate Planning
  • Assisted living and advanced health care
  • Financial powers of attorney
  • Medical powers of attorney
  • Wills, living wills, and testamentary trusts
  • Revocable and irrevocable trusts
  • Family limited partnerships and limited liability
  • Insurance planning and life insurance trusts
  • Business succession planning.

Estate, Inheritance and Death Taxes
  • It is important to know the difference between
    inheritance and estate taxes.
  • Estate taxes are placed on the net value of the
    deceaseds property.
  • Inheritance taxes are placed by the state on the
    person receiving the property. Inheritance taxes
    are based on the beneficiarys relationship to
    the deceased.
  • Death tax is a general term that can apply to
    both estate and inheritances taxes.

Who Pays Death Taxes in Kentucky?
  • Kentucky has no estate taxes, though federal
    rates still apply. Inheritance taxes in Kentucky
    fall into three categories
  • Class A - Immediate family members, such as
    spouses, parents, children and siblings. These
    beneficiaries are exempt from inheritance taxes
    in Kentucky.
  • Class B - Extended family members, including
    cousins, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts,
    grandchildren, in-laws, etc. - these people pay
    an inheritance tax on amounts over 1,000.
  • Class C - This applies to any other
    beneficiaries. Class C beneficiaries pay
    inheritance taxes on amounts over 500.

What About Federal Estate Taxes?
  • Federal estate taxes apply mostly to large
    estates. In 2016, for example, exemptions are
    made on estate values up to 5.45 million (per
  • Approximately two out of every 1,000 estates were
    taxed in 2015.
  • Taxed estates pay roughly one-sixth of their
    value in taxes.
  • There exist a number of ways to make sure that
    heirs dont face large tax rates on an estate.

Easing Taxes On Estates
  • Through sound estate planning, you can greatly
    reduce the amount of money that heirs will have
    to pay through estate and inheritances taxes.
    While there are many different methods, a common
    goal is often to remove holdings from your own
    estate to reduce the amount of taxes owed after
    you pass. This can be done through trusts, gifts,
    business entities, insurance and joint bank

Use of Trusts in Estate Planning
  • A trust is an arrangement in which a person
    transfers property to someone else who holds and
    manages that property for a third party. Here
    some examples of trusts that estate planners
    sometimes use as devices to ease tax burdens
  • Testamentary Trusts versus Living Trusts - A
    testamentary trust is done through your will or
    other legal devices after you pass. You form a
    living trust or an inter vivos trust that will
    take effect during your lifetime.
  • Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts - Through a GRAT,
    you set up annual payments to the beneficiary for
    a designated period of time.
  • Spendthrift Trust - In a spendthrift trust, you
    designate an independent trustee (for example, a
    bank) to hold the trust for the beneficiary. This
    form of trust often protects the assets from any
    creditors the beneficiary might be indebted to.
  • Qualified Personal Residence Trust - This is
    similar to a GRAT, but puts your home into a
  • Charitable Remainder Trust - Through CRT, you put
    income into a trust that reduces capital gains,
    income and estate. You also get a charitable tax
    deduction, while donating to a favored charity.
  • Charitable Lead Trust - In a CLT, the money goes
    directly to a charity during your lifetime but
    goes to your beneficiaries after you pass.

Other Financial Instruments For Reducing Taxes
  • There are many other devices you can use, many of
    which utilize trusts, to ease the tax burden on
    your estate. Each comes with certain
    stipulations, advantages and disadvantages. They
  • Joint bank accounts - Depending on how you set up
    bank accounts (i.e., an account with rights of
    survivorship) and the stipulations of your will,
    a joint bank account can be an effective method
    of estate planning.
  • Gifts - Though there is a cap on how much you can
    give as a direct gift without taxes, you can
    spread out the gifts to multiple recipients or
    use trusts as a vehicle to gift portions of your
    estate to loved ones.
  • Businesses - Different business structures, like
    LLCs or FLPs, allow you to direct income or
    holdings into a business, which can then be
    accessed by other stakeholders.
  • Insurance - One example would be an Irrevocable
    Life Insurance Trust, which, if properly
    established, will not be considered part of your
    estate upon your passing. They can be complex but
    effective methods of providing your family the
    ability to pay other estate taxes or leave money
    behind for your heirs.

Planning Ahead For End-of-Life Care
  • While planning your estate, youll also want to
    make certain decisions that protect you, your
    assets and your family should you become unable
    to do so for yourself.
  • Powers of Attorney - Through a POA, you designate
    someone to act on your behalf. There are medical
    powers of attorney and financial powers of
  • Living Wills - This designates your wishes
    regarding your end-of-life care. You can specify
    whether you want to be kept alive by feeding
    tubes or ventilators and whether you want to
    donate your organs after you pass, for example.

Are You Planning For The Future?
  • As you can see, there are many devices you have
    at your disposal to plan your estate to reduce
    the amount of inheritance and estate taxes that
    will be owed after you pass. At Bunch Brock, we
    have helped many clients plan for the future of
    their estate and their families. We can tell you
    that planning ahead is a wise move with great
    benefits for you and your loved ones.
  • For help with estate planning in Kentucky,
    contact Bunch Brock to learn more.
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