Title: The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
1Easy Money Making Secrets
We are the environment we create. It all starts
at home. What goes on outside of us reflects the
inside. If we create a spacious, uncluttered home
our mind and heart become spacious and
uncluttered. An uncluttered life has room for a
relationship. A cluttered life has room for needs
to get fulfilled. You can choose which one you
think will satisfy you. Try an experiment.
Clutter your desk. Make it messy. See if it's
true that a messy desk is a messy mind. Sometimes
a messy mind is good, it's creative and playful,
but if your workload goes up or there's a sudden
stress and your mind is scattered, overwhelmed
then you might end up in goofball territory. I
mean, everything is easy when everything is going
your way. That's going to happen 50 of the time.
2For the other 50 you are going to need some
support because there's going to be challenge and
confusion and uncertainty. I think having an
organised space prepares you for that challenge.
But it also indicates you are ready. If your
world is cluttered and your life is just one
panic after the other you might be hoping that a
relationship will solve that. But that's not
going to happen. Relationships don't solve
problems, the exacerbate them. They grow. So if
you are cluttered and out of control before a
relationship, it'll only get worse with one. So
today begin the cycle of improving your
environment and creating a loving space for your
relationship. Create empty time where you would
go out if you were with someone. Sit in a bath as
you would do if you were with someone. Clean
sheets, nice undies, a shower before bed. Act
like you are with someone even if you are not.
That's called "the power of attraction."
3Can you see nature's role in creating a great
environment in your home office and mind? This is
most important for discipline, clear mind and
body and ask yourself how you can bring more
nature into your work and home life. SPRING CLEAN
-even in winter - start with your filing system -
but you might even go to a colonic and spring
clean your intestines. Consider your hair cut,
your clothes, your computer cover. Consider all
the affirmations you have around you that signal
your appreciation for yourself. Remember, if you
appreciate someone else's dreams and personality
and luck and wealth and health more than your
own, you are putting them up and yourself down
(in nature nothing is missing).
4You can't give what you haven't got so appreciate
yourself and the form of your environment, your
mindfulness about order and cleanliness. Treat
yourself with abundance, so you can appreciate
others. Go look in your sock, stocking and undies
draw and throw out the odd sox, the crappy
undies, and the holy stockings. Give Awakened
Millionaire Academy Review yourself no choice but
to upgrade what is underneath your clothing
because that is a part of your environment too.
Don't keep stuff for camping trips and then start
slipping them back into use because you forgot to
do the laundry. Look at your shoes, your brief
case, what's in your brief case and what's
dangling from your arm and neck. Look at it with
a non sentimental eye. Does this represent where
you've been or where you're going. If it's where
you are going then great, if not, dump it.