Title: ECO 365 Squared Instruction Uophelp
1ECO 365 Course Tutorial
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2ECO 365 Entire Course
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- ECO 365 Week 1 Discussion Question 1Â
- ECO 365 Week 1 Discussion Question 2Â
- ECO 365 Week 1 Individual Assignment  Economic Def
initions Worksheet - ECO 365 Week 1 Individual Assignment Economic Anal
ysis - ECO 365 Week 1 Individual Assignment Supply and De
mand Curve Worksheet (2 Sets) - ECO 365 Week 2 Discussion Question 1Â
- ECO 365 Week 2 Discussion Question 2Â
3ECO 365 Final Exam Guide (New, Dec 2015)
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- 1). The DeBeers company is a profit-maximizing mon
opolist that exercises monopoly power in the distr
ibution of diamonds. If the company earns positive
 economic profits this year, the price of diamonds
 will  - Exceed the marginal cost of diamonds but equal t
o the average total cost of diamonds.  - Exceed both the marginal cost and the average to
tal cost of diamonds.  - Be equal to the marginal cost of diamonds. Â
4 ECO 365 Final Exam Guide 1
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- 1Because you can only obtain more of one good by
giving up some of another good, the shape of a
production possibility curve is _______________. - 2. Refer to the table shown. The average product
when eight workers are employed is _____6____ - 3. A resource is said to have a comparative
advantage if - 4Â Refer to the graph shown. Initially, the
market is in equilibrium with price equal to 3
and quantity equal to 100. Government imposes a
tax on suppliers of 1 per unit. The effect of
the tax is to - 5Refer to the table shown. Diminishing marginal
productivity begins when the - 6 Refer to the graph shown.
5ECO 365 Week 1 Discussion Question 1
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- What is economics? What role does economics play
in your personal and organizational decisions?
Provide an example of the role of economics in
decision making.Â
6ECO 365 Week 1 Discussion Question 2
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- Identify a recent purchase in which the price of
the product was an important consideration in the
decision-making process related to purchasing the
product. What other factors affected your
decision? How important was your income as a
factor? How important was the price of other
goods as a factor?
7ECO 365 Week 1 Individual Assignment Article
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- ECO 365 Week 1 Individual Assignment Article
8ECO 365 Week 1 Individual Assignment Economic
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- Prepare a 1,000-1,500 word paper in which you
explain what the difference is between a movement
along and shift of the demand curve. Show the
impact on the equilibrium price and quantity that
results from (1) an increase in demand, (2) an
increase in supply, (3) an increase in both
supply and demand. Give an example of the role of
supply and demand in decision making. Post in
assignments link. - Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Â
9 ECO 365 Week 1 Individual Assignment Economic
Definitions Worksheet
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- Write the definition for each of the following
- 1.        Law of Demand
- 2.        Law of Supply
- 3.        Price Elasticity of Demand
- 4.        Macroeconomics
- 5.        Microeconomics
- Identify 2 products whose demand is price
10ECO 365 Week 1 Individual Assignment Supply and
Demand Curve Worksheet (2 Sets)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 sets of Worksheet
- Complete the Supply and Demand Curve
worksheet.Submit through the Assignment tab. - Answer the following questions
- Write the definition for each of the following
- Law of Demand
- Law of Supply
11ECO 365 Week 2 Discussion Question 1
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- What is the law of diminishing marginal
productivity? How does the law of diminishing
marginal productivity affect the cost of
productions? Provide an example from your
12ECO 365 Week 2 Discussion Question 2
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- Why is the demand of labor a derived demand? What
is the relationship between productivity and the
wages earned by employees where you work or at an
organization with which you are familiar? What
are some factors that determine the level of your
income? Explain your answer.Related
13 ECO 365 week 2 Individual Assignment Supply and
Demand Simulation (Microeconomics and the Laws of
Supply and Demand ) (3 Papers)
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- This Tutorial contains 3 different Papers
- Complete the Supply and Demand Simulation located
on the student website. - Write 700 - 1,050-word paper of no more than
summarizing the content. Address the following - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Identify two microeconomics and two
macroeconomics principles or concepts from the
simulation. Explain why you have categorized
these principles or concepts as macroeconomic or
microeconomic. - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Identify at least one shift of the
supply curve and one shift of the demand curve in
the simulation. What causes the shifts?
14ECO 365 Week 2 Learning Team Reflection
Production and Cost Analysis
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- Discuss this weeks objectives with your team.
Include the topics you feel comfortable with, any
topics you struggled with, and how the topics
relate to your field. - Prepare a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the
findings of your discussion.
15ECO 365 Week 2 Team Assignment Elasticity Paper
(Substitute or Compliment)
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- Reflect on why some products become substitutes
and why some are compliments (e.g. hot dogs and
hot dog buns). - Prepare a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the
findings of your discussion. - Â
16ECO 365 Week 2 Team Assignment Product
Substitution Versus Product Compliment
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- ECO 365 Week 2 Team Assignment Product
Substitution Versus Product Compliment
17ECO 365 Week 3 Discussion Question 1
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- What conditions exist when economic profits are
maximized? What is the difference between
economic and accounting profits? What are
economic profit-maximizing strategies that may be
made by a perfectly competitive firm, a
monopolist firm, and a monopolistic competitive
firm? Provide examples and explain the
strategies effectiveness in their respective
market structures.
18ECO 365 Week 3 Discussion Question 2
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- What are some real-life examples of
monopolistically competitive, oligopoly, and
monopoly markets? How do market prices differ
between perfectly and imperfectly competitive
markets? Will a monopoly always produce at a
profit-maximizing output level? Explain your
19ECO 365 Week 3 Learning Team Reflection Summary
Market Structure
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- Discuss this weeks objectives with your team.
Include the topics you feel comfortable with, any
topics you struggled with, and how the topics
relate to your field. - Prepare a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the
findings of your discussion. - Â
20ECO 365 week 3 Team Assignment Current Market
Conditions Competitive Analysis (3 Papers)
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- This tutorial contains 3 sets of paper
- Imagine you are part of a strategic planning
group at a large corporation that is considering
developing a new proposed product. The marketing
director has asked your team to do a competitive
market analysis to determine the products
potential success. The analysis will focus on
your primary competitor in the products market. - Select a potential competitive organization and a
product in that organization.
21ECO 365 Week 4 Differentiating Between Market
Structures Paper (New Syllabus),Starbucks
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- You will apply important microeconomics concepts
toward the competitive strategies of an
organization that operates in an industry of your
choice. You will evaluate the differences between
market structures and identify a group of
competitive strategies consistent with the market
structure that best aligns with the market in
which the organization competes.
22 ECO 365 Week 4 Differentiating Between Market
Structures Presentation
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- You will apply important microeconomics concepts
toward the competitive strategies of an
organization that operates in an industry of your
choice. You will evaluate the differences between
market structures and identify a group of
competitive strategies consistent with the market
structure that best aligns with the market in
which the organization competes. You will assess
how the market structure positively and
negatively affects the firm and evaluate the
efficacy of the structure's competitive
23ECO 365 Week 4 Differentiating Between Market
Structures Presentation
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- You will apply important microeconomics concepts
toward the competitive strategies of an
organization that operates in an industry of your
choice. You will evaluate the differences between
market structures and identify a group of
competitive strategies consistent with the market
structure that best aligns with the market in
which the organization competes. You will assess
how the market structure positively and
negatively affects the firm and evaluate the
efficacy of the structure's competitive
24ECO 365 Week 4 Discussion Question 1
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- What is an externality? Provide at least three
examples. How does one of the examples you
provided affect the market outcome? What is the
role of government in addressing the implications
of an externality you provided as an example? Is
it possible that a governments solution to a
market failure would worsen the failure? Explain
your answer.
25ECO 365 Week 4 Discussion Question 2
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- What effect do government intervention, taxation,
and regulations have on economic behavior?
Explain.What are real-world examples of
government intervention, taxation, and
regulations? What are the goals of each?
26ECO 365 Week 4 Individual Assignment
Differentiating Between Market Structures Table
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- For this assignment, you will choose from the
following options - o  Option 1 Differentiating Between Market
Structures in Kudler - o  Option 2 Differentiating Between Market
Structures in an Organization of Your Choice - Read the instructions in the University of
Phoenix Material Differentiating Between Market
Structureslocated on the student website and
select one option to complete the assignment.
27ECO 365 Week 4 Learning Team Reflection Public
Policy in Economics
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- Discuss this weeks objectives with your team.
Include the topics you feel comfortable with, any
topics you struggled with, and how the topics
relate to your field. - Prepare a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the
findings of your discussion. - Â
28 ECO 365 Week 4 Team Assignment Mergers and Joint
Ventures (2 Papers)
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- Learning Team Assignment Week 4
- Discuss the differences between horizontal,
vertical and conglomerate mergers and how those
differ from a joint venture. - Introduction
- Horizontal Mergers
- Vertical Mergers
- Conglomerate Mergers
29ECO 365 week 5 Team Assignment Competitive
Strategies and Government Policies
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- This Tutorial contains 3 sets of papers
- Management has recognized the effect of changes
in the real-world competitive environment and
government policies on other industries and
anticipates similar events occurring in their
industry, so they ask you for a report
considering the following points - Write 1,400 1,750-word paper of no more than in
which you describe how each of the following are
or potentially will affect your industry or one
with which you are familiar
30 ECO 365 week 5 Team Assignment Competitive
Strategies and Government Policies (PPT)
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- Select an organization the team is familiar with
and which has a global presence. - Management in the team's organization has
recognized the effect of changes in the
real-world competitive environment and government
policies on other industries and anticipates
similar events occurring in their industry, so
they ask you for a report considering the
following points.
31ECO 365 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request
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- Finalize the project work for SR-ht-003 and
Change Requests 25. - Compile all documentation from your Change
request from Weeks Two through Five. - Submit your teams project work and documentation
to your faculty.
32ECO 365 Course Tutorial
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