Title: Tips on Winning a Lottery
1Win the Lottery Guaranteed
One of the comments I've heard from many lottery
players is that as their eyes go back and forth
over a drawing, they lose track of their position
and have to start over. There is also that
headache that ensues about five minutes later.
For example, let's say a player wants to compare
the first column of numbers with the forth. Why?
He wants to see if he can identify any number
pattern that he could use to his advantage. By
simply rearranging the columns, the player
reduces eye strain and fatigue. By placing the
two columns of interest next to each other, the
player would no longer be distracted by the
numbers in between. He could also minimize
distractions by simply blanking the columns that
remain. Now, the player can focus his attention
on the subject at hand. Players love this feature.
2Technology and medicine have been able to
eradicate certain communicable diseases like
cholera and polio. The average life span of
people may have increased but people would agree
when we say that a plethora of illnesses has
entered the threshold of our life. And that
includes Alzheimer's, type 2 diabetes, strokes,
depression and certain kind of cancers.
Developing countries like India are not far
behind. India is said to be the diabetes capital
of the world with figures reaching alarming
proportions. Then there is obesity, the major
risk factor for health that's determined by the
amount of fat stored in the body. Somebody who
appears normal or slim in size could actually be
considered obese. It is obesity that prevents
individuals from leading a productive life,
exposing them to coronary heart disease,
hypertension, high cholesterol, respiratory
problems, fatigue, and muscle and joint pain.
3The Chronological Order of Things Another problem
with this database is that it is chronological.
The first drawing is followed by the second
drawing, etc. Why should we look at the drawings
in order? Who says we have to view the past
winning numbers in the same old way? Let's think
outside the toolbox. We could sort the table on
any column. If we sort column 1 then all of the
drawings with the number 1 will be displayed
together in a group for easy examination. Wow!
Now, that's an advantage. Looking for lottery
number patterns relating to the number 1 just got
a lot easier. But, wait there's more. You could
also sort column 1 in descending order, placing
the largest numbers first.
4Remember, we started out with a sequential
listing of the winning numbers. Now, with some
simple database manipulation techniques, we can
turn a lottery history inside out, upside down
and sideways. This gives the player an entirely
new perspective. The player now has a wide
variety of new vantage points. When it comes to
Lotto Crusher System Review playing the lottery,
my philosophy is simple and uncomplicated use
the best lottery software you can find, play
smart and have fun. Sadly, some players take
things too far and go off the deep end. They get
intoxicated with the idea of winning the jackpot
and do some rather nutty things. They so inflate
their expectations of their lottery software that
they soon find themselves in serious trouble. So,
when using a lottery software program to play the
lottery, keep in mind these two very important
points. http//thefastcashbizreview.com/lotto-cru
sher-system-reviews http//purabellaantiagingcrea