Title: The Ocean Road - Abstract art by Taru Shikha
1The Ocean Road Abstract art by Taru Shikha
2The Ocean Road is a Modern art project of
capturing the true nature of surroundings, the
expression of which are series of paintings using
acrylic on canvas by the eminent name in the
industry, Taru Shikha.
Abstract Indian Art
3Her Work
contemporary Indian paintings
4Her Work
Contemporary Indian artists
5Her Work
paintings by Indian artists
6Her Work
wall paintings for living room
7Her Work
home wall decor
8About Taru Shikha
Taru Shikha has been a constant name in the
design industry. She is a full time artist and
lives in Mumbai. Her passion for work has helped
her to travel the globe. After completing her
studies from London College of Fashion,
Nottingham Trent University Pearl Academy of
Fashion, she worked with international trend
setting fashion brands like Ferragamo, Dior
Zara. She has produced a quantity of avant-garde
art using oil acrylic on canvas.
modern art paintings by Indian artist
9Want to Know More About Taru Shikha Her Work ???
Get In Touch NOW! Email info_at_tarushikha.com Ph
one number 91-7738 578358 Website
http//www.tarushikha.com Abstract modern art
paintings by Taru Shikha