Title: HHS 497 (Ash) Read, Lead, Succeed/Uophelpdotcom
1HHS 497 (Ash) Read, Lead, Succeed/Uophelpdotcom
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2HHS 497 Entire Course (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 1 DQ 1 Privatization
- HHS 497 Week 1 DQ 2 Cost of Health Care
- HHS 497 Week 1 Scope of Size of Health and Human
Services - HHS 497 Week 2 DQ 1 Budget Allocations
- HHS 497 Week 2 DQ 2 Dr. Watson's Caring Theory
- HHS 497 Week 3 DQ 1 New Emphasis
- HHS 497 Week 3 DQ 2 Information Systems
3HHS 497 Week 1 DQ 1 Privatization (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 1 DQ 1 Privatization
- Privatization. Among the various factors
impacting the Health and Human Services (HHS)
programs, increased costs, such as personnel,
equipment, and facilities, may be leading
considerations in a program managers plans and
priorities. After becoming more familiar with the
concept of privatization, identify the advantages
of engaging in privatization and what is required
to actually carry this out. - The following questions may help direct your
4HHS 497 Week 1 DQ 2 Cost of Health Care (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 1 DQ 2 Cost of Health Care
- Cost of Health Care. Health Care Reform has, for
a long time, been a hot topic. Costs of Medicare,
loss of jobs, increased costs of doing business,
are all part of the problem/need. Research
various kinds of controversies and issues in the
field of human services, with a focus on the
clash of values in social policies. In a 300 word
analysis, focus on the trad e- offs between
cutting programs or providing health care
services. Respond to at least two of your
classmates postings.
5HHS 497 Week 1 Scope of Size of Health and Human
Services (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 1 Scope of Size of Health and Human
Services - Scope of Size of Health and Human Services.
Create a PowerPoint presentation containing
critical narrative of health and human services
accompanied with tables, graphs, or other
visuals. The PowerPoint presentation must contain
a minimum of ten slides (not including title and
reference slides). - For example
- Group in Need Americas PoorProgram Area
6HHS 497 Week 2 DQ 1 Budget Allocations (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 2 DQ 1 Budget Allocations
- Budget Allocations. Help, human services, and
care are provided in many formats. However, to be
considered under the umbrella of health and human
services, the help must be provided by some type
of formal organization. The Federal Government,
the major provider of social welfare benefits,
allocates 90 of the Federal budget for social
programs. There are over 300 programs situated in
eight public health agencies and three human
service agencies. In order to grasp the
significance of the above information you are
asked to locate information that identifies the
amount of budget allocated to the HHS budget for
the fiscal years 2011, 2012, and 2013
7HHS 497 Week 2 DQ 2 Dr. Watson's Caring Theory
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- HHS 497 Week 2 DQ 2 Dr. Watson's Caring Theory
- Dr. Watsons Caring Theory. Within the boundaries
of the health and human services, there are
thousands of employees providing a great variety
of services. The process of dealing with humans
in need is not simplistic. One practitioner, Dr.
Jean Watson, has become a leader in Caring
Theory. After reading the article, A Pragmatic
View of Jean Watsons Caring Theory, you are
asked to do the following - Summarize the general aspects of Dr. Watsons
Caring Theory.
8HHS 497 Week 3 DQ 1 New Emphasis (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 3 DQ 1 New Emphasis
- New Emphasis. There has been a shift of emphasis
of the consumers of health and human services
from professionals and care providers to
increasingly include the client system. The
stakeholders have increased through participation
coupled with the increased volume of information
which allows greater exposure to care
alternatives. This means the client system has
greater access to health and service records.
Information, instead of flowing from the top
down, is increasingly multi-directional. There
are many implications of this change and the
parallel modes of technology. Client-to-client
communication has dramatically changed. After
completing reading/research, you are asked to
identify one positive and one negative outcome
related to the changes addressed above. Include
two examples from
9HHS 497 Week 3 DQ 2 Information Systems (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 3 DQ 2 Information Systems
- Information Systems. Inability to improve
information systems will result in inappropriate
and limited use of the critical information
important to health and human services
professionals. - Identify at least three of the needed
improvements and discuss the needs specifically
in terms of how the improvement directly impacts
the HHS client base. Post your 300 word
discussion and respond to at least two of your
classmates postings.
10HHS 497 Week 3 Final Paper Outline (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 3 Final Paper Outline
- Final Paper Outline. This week, you will be
writing a section of your Final Paper. Review the
Week Five assignment for complete instructions of
what is expected in your Final Paper. Choose
either Option A -Career/Occupational area to
explore or Option B Specific Need area to
explore. - Option A -Career/Occupational area to explore
11HHS 497 Week 4 DQ 1 Hansell's Motivation Theory
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- HHS 497 Week 4 DQ 1 Hansell's Motivation Theory
- Hansells Motivation Theory. What makes a theory
useful is the ability of the practitioner to use
the elements of the theory (called premises or
postulates) in practice and research. These
applications can empower the human service worker
by providing added information, insight, and
perspective regardless of the career level.
Theory-into-practice is a forerunner of best
practices, where the evaluation of program and
practice results leads to efficiencies and
effectiveness. After reading Chapter 4 in the
text, paying special attention to Hansells
motivation theory, analyze this theory in terms
of its application to client problems/needs.
Consider the following
12HHS 497 Week 4 DQ 2 Seligman's Theory (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 4 DQ 2 Seligman's Theory
- Seligmans Theory. Many of the theories addressed
in health and human services work are based on
the medical model of deficit health, that is,
focusing on what is wrong with the client. In
contrast, a newcomer to the field of psychology
focuses on the strengths and wellbeing, of the
client. This is called positive psychology,
developed by Dr. M. Seligman. After viewing
Martin Seligman The new era of positive
psychology, synthesize the key tenants of Dr.
Seligmans theory and identify its potential to
impact human services practices. What are some
challenges to applying or integrating Dr.
Seligmans Theory to human services practices?
Respond to at least two of your classmates
13HHS 497 Week 5 DQ 1 Clash of Values (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 5 DQ 1 Clash of Values
- Clash of Values. In the first part of Chapter 9
in your text (Clash of Values), you are
confronted with the issues related to differing
socio-cultural values that affect program
alternatives, spending alternatives, and
providing community services. Start this
discussion by providing a definition of
socio-cultural values. Then, provide a 300 word
appraisal of at least two ways a service
providers values could impact the relationships
with the client system. Respond to at least two
of your classmates postings. -
14HHS 497 Week 5 DQ 2 Groups in Need (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 5 DQ 2 Groups in Need
- Groups in Need. After reading Chapter 2 in your
text (Groups in Need), you cannot help but
appreciate the span of needs and then wonder,
How do we make budget allocation decisions?
and, What happens to the individuals unable to
acquire appropriate help? In many ways,
individuals needing one kind of service can, if
the need is not addressed, have a negative domino
effect on the person. For example, the homeless
person becomes sick, eventually receiving free
emergency medical attention. These forcing
functions are a common phenomenon in HHS. Burger
(2011) states, Meanwhile, human service
agencies, for the most part, try to help people
adjust to the existing social and economic
15HHS 497 Week 5 Final Paper (Ash)
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- HHS 497 Week 5 Final Paper
- Focus of the Final Paper
- The Final Paper should demonstrate an application
of your knowledge of Health and Human Services,
by synthesizing the information from the
readings, class work, and work and life
experiences. Please discuss cultural competency
in Health and Human Services work and how it can
be achieved in the treatment of diverse groups or
populations. You may also include information and
examples from previous experience, as well as
implications for future application In Week
Three, you created a draft for either Option
A-Career/Occupational area to explore or Option
B- Specific Need area.
16HHS 497 (Ash) Read, Lead, Succeed/Uophelpdotcom
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