Title: Bohemian Tunic Short kaftan
1Mogul interior
Womens Tunic Short Caftan
Beautiful, airy silhouette with kimono-style
sleeves ethnic printed short Kaftan. Flatter your
feminine shape with this line of floral printed
Visit Our Store- stores.ebay.com/mogulgallery
2Mogul interior
Womens Tunic Short Caftan
Beautiful, airy silhouette with kimono-style
sleeves ethnic printed short Kaftan. Flatter your
feminine shape with this line of floral printed
Visit Our Store- stores.ebay.com/mogulgallery
3Mogul interior
Womens Tunic Short Caftan
Beautiful, airy silhouette with kimono-style
sleeves ethnic printed short Kaftan. Flatter your
feminine shape with this line of floral printed
Visit Our Store- stores.ebay.com/mogulgallery
4Mogul interior
Womens Tunic Short Caftan
Beautiful, airy silhouette with kimono-style
sleeves ethnic printed short Kaftan. Flatter your
feminine shape with this line of floral printed
Visit Our Store- stores.ebay.com/mogulgallery
5Mogul interior
Womens Tunic Short Caftan
Beautiful, airy silhouette with kimono-style
sleeves ethnic printed short Kaftan. Flatter your
feminine shape with this line of floral printed
Visit Our Store- stores.ebay.com/mogulgallery
6Mogul interior
Womens Tunic Short Caftan
Beautiful, airy silhouette with kimono-style
sleeves ethnic printed short Kaftan. Flatter your
feminine shape with this line of floral printed
Visit Our Store- stores.ebay.com/mogulgallery
7Mogul interior
Womens Tunic Short Caftan
Beautiful, airy silhouette with kimono-style
sleeves ethnic printed short Kaftan. Flatter your
feminine shape with this line of floral printed
Visit Our Store- stores.ebay.com/mogulgallery
8Mogul interior
Womens Tunic Short Caftan
Beautiful, airy silhouette with kimono-style
sleeves ethnic printed short Kaftan. Flatter your
feminine shape with this line of floral printed
Visit Our Store- stores.ebay.com/mogulgallery