Title: Cuban Cigars
1Cuban Cigars
- Cuban Cigar Online carry on the oldest Cuban
tradition with the goal of bringing back worlds
most finest products of Cuba. Cuban sophisticated
Caribbean flavors known in ancient world and
admired from Royal Crowns from the 15th century
until modern-day survived and gave to the world
chance to enjoy Cuban cigar brands. Cuban Cigar
Online offering the finest cigar brands such
Cohiba , Partagas,Trinidad, Romeo y Julieta,
Montecristo, Punch, Ramon Allones, Saint Luis
Rey, Por Larranaga, Bolivar, Cuaba, H.Upmann,
Diplomaticos, Sanch Panza..supplied by the
official distributors in Canada for several years.
2Cuban Cigar
3Cuban Cigars
A premium cigar is always done, or twisted, in
slang tabaquero- hand with long filler. To
understand important to distinguish the different
parts of a cigar the head or top, to which the
court applies the body or barrel, which is the
offspring of the cigar, and the foot, factory cut
and is where lights. But from the outside into
the fresh, different types of leaves are seen.
The cloak has little or capillo, as it aims to be
resistant and hold the gut and, if possible, add
some flavor and combustibility. The layer itself
affects the flavor.
4Cuban Cigar
Cigar smokers around the world agree you have
not really experienced the pleasure of smoking a
fine cigar until the day you smoke a Cuban one.
The reason for this is the fact that Cuban cigars
are made by hand, one by one each tobacco leaf
is carefully selected, cleaned, dried, and
finally rolled through a very complex process,
following very high quality guidelines to get
that strong, tasty flavor that makes each Cuban
brand unique.
5Buy Cigars
6Cigar Humidor
Although this process takes much more time than
other cigar's manufacturing process (mostly
assisted by machines), the resulting cigar
provides a smoking experience that no one can
leave unnoticed. Perhaps the most famous Cuban
cigars are the "Cohibas", delicate and flavorful
cigars that have smokers all over the planet. But
let's not forget about other unique brands too
"Montecristo", "Partagas" and many more
manufacturers make Cuba the first and most
important tobacco producer and supplier in the
world, and this is a well deserved award.
7Cuban Cigars
Of course, if you already tasted any of the fine
Cuban cigars available, then you know this facts
yourself, there is no need for me to tell this to
you. But if, in the other hand, if you have
smoked cigars before but never tried out a Cuban,
or even if you have never smoked cigars but want
to begin enjoying this pleasure (so much
different to cigarette smoking), then I must
strongly encourage you to get yourself a quiet
place, maybe some peaceful music, and a nice
"Habano". You will realize that there is no
better smoking experience.
8Cuban Cigar
Even most non-cigar smokers have heard some of
the lore surrounding the Cuban cigar. Long
revered as the finest and best tasting brands in
the world, they have traditionally been extremely
difficult to procure. Consequently there exists a
very profitable market for importing and
distributing Cuban cigars to cigar-lovers
9Buy Cigars
We Ship Worldwide, Delivery 100 Guaranteed!!! We
Use Different Carrier, Mostly FedEx How Long Does
Delivery Usually Take? Fast Delivery On All
Premium Cigars Orders! Via FedEx 2-3 Days Normal
Delivery Will Take In Between 7-10 Business Days
Depending Of Availability.
10Cuban Cigars
- For more information visit our website