Title: Excedo Group (1)
1Excedo Group offers a comprehensive range of high
level mine specification plant equipment.
2Over 10 Years Experience Servicing The Australian
Mining Civil Industries.
3We pride ourselves to maintained highest
standards to complete any project.
4Excedo Group has been engaged by Doric Group for
the civil works package worth of 2m.
5Please contact Cameron Clohessy on 0437 352 105
or c.clohessy_at_excedogroup.com.au for any enquiries
P 1300 EXCEDO (392 336) E admin_at_excedogroup.com.au
F (08) 6323 3305
HEAD OFFICE Suite 20, 30 Hasler Road Osborne
Park, WA, 6017 PO BOX 118, Innaloo WA 6918