Title: Skin Specialist in Chandigarh
1 2Are you suffering from SKIN PROBLEMS..??
3Not getting any SOLUTION..??
4No need to WORRY..
5Our Specializations
- Blackening of Skin
- Excessive sweating
- Facial allergies/infection
- Dermatitis
- Pruritis
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Pricking Pain in Whole Body
- Lack of facial glow
- Chronic skin Allergies
- Leucoderma
6 Yogisayurveda - Consult Dr Yogi
- Now you can get relief from
- skin problems with ayurvedic
- Treatments.
- Yogisayurveda is the five
- generation old family of
- the yogis who are into this
- practice since 1944.
7Appointment with skin specialist in punjab
- Please fix your Appointment before coming.
Chandigarh Friday Saturday 2nd Floor, SCO 1034, Sector 22-B, Chandigarh (Opp. Bus Stand Sector 17 ). Other days by appointment
Monday Tuesday By appointment only
Ludhiana Wednesday Thursday Shop No. 18, (Opp. Bus Stand ) Other days by appointment
Jalandhar Shop No. 16, (Opp. Bus Stand ) by appointment only.
Amritsar Sunday (by appointment) SCO 84, 2nd Floor City Center Near Bus Stand,Opp. Pingalwara, Amritsar
8Contact Details
- Call Us Directly (91) 9914000365,
9357000019 - Visit Us SCO 1034, 2nd Floor, Sector
22B, Chandigarh - Email
- dr_yogi21_at_yahoo.co.in
- Website
- http//yogisayurveda.com/ayurvedic-medicine-of-ski