Title: What Is In Vitro Fertilization || +1-702-533-2691
Dr Geoffrey Sher www.drgeoffreysherivf.com
2Awards Accomplishments 30 years experience
with In Vitro Fertilization Founder of the
first private IVF Clinic in the US Influential
in the births of more than 18,000 babies
Trained under Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards,
the Fathers of IVF Internationally renowned
authority on immunologic causes of infertility
Pioneer of many firsts in the field of
IVF. About Dr. Geoffrey Sher Dr. Geoffrey Sher,
co-founder of SIRM, is an internationally
renowned expert in the field of Assisted
Reproductive Technology (ART) and has been
influential in the births of more than 18,000 IVF
babies. Over the last 30 years, Dr. Sher has
helped fashion the entire field of ART. After
training under The Fathers of IVF Dr. Patrick
Steptoe and Robert Edwards, Dr. Sher established
the first private IVF program in the United
States in 1982.
3In Vitro Fertilization In Vitro Fertilization
(IVF) is a procedure first successfully utilized
in 1978 in which a womans ovaries are stimulated
with fertility drugs to produce multiple mature
eggs, which are then removed from her body and
are fertilized in the laboratory with her
partners (or donor) sperm. The resulting embryos
are cultured for three to five days, at which
point, and the best 1 or 2 embryos are then
transferred back into her uterus. IVF
PROCEDURES An IVF procedure at SIRM involves the
following steps (click on each for a more
detailed overview) 1. Preparing for Controlled
Ovarian Hyperstimulation (COH)2. Undergoing
Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation3. Egg
Retrieval4. Sperm Processing5. Fertilization of
Eggs in the Laboratory6. Selecting the Best
Embryos for Transfer7. Embryo Transfer8. Cryopre
servation (Freezing) of Remaining Embryos This
is optional
5Call- 1-702-533-2691