Title: Convert 35mm Slides to Files
1Want to Digitize Your 35mm Slides? Check out
these Tips.
What to do when your 35mm slide scanner doesnt
work. You have an extensive amount of slides
lying around and you do not have a converter. It
is nearly impossible to find a new and advanced
slide scanner at a low price. So, what are you
supposed to do with the slides?
These slides have interesting pictures of your
family, a memorable event or a prized ceremony.
If you really care about those past memories, the
first step is to have a professional service to
scan those slides and make sure that, you have
digital copies of your slides. Why should you
contact a service provider to convert 35mm slides
to files? Professional experts ensure that the
original slides are protected during the transfer
process. They also enhance the digital copies.
2Today digitizing 35mm slides is becoming
increasingly popular. Both individuals and
archival institutions look to make their
collections more accessible. A few people try
DIY methods to convert the slides. Although, this
method seems easy it does cost for the right
scanner and takes time. Remember the below
mentioned techniques, if you are trying to
DIY. Minimum resolution Proper resolution is
the key to capture better pictures. You should
scan at a 1200ppi resolution in order to get
perfect images. For long term preservation,
2400ppi or above is recommended. However, many
different people have as many different ideas
about resolution depending on the intent of the
use of the digitized file. Do not be afraid to
try many different resolutions to see which one
is the best for your needs. Color
calibration Color calibration must be performed
before scanning the slides to get the true
representation of your original
material. Similarly, choosing the right file
format is also important for future display and
3Control auto-crop While converting the slides,
the software may detect an auto-crop that can
separate them out into individual files. So, make
sure that you are well aware about this
aspect. If you dont want to mess with the above
mentioned technical details, or you dont have
time to digitize them at home, or you dont want
to buy all those machines, contact a reputable
service provider that can convert 35mm Slides and
if needed, convert 8mm film to DVD, VHS tapes to
DVD, Hi8mm tapes to DVD and go beyond your