Title: Fiberglass Patio Doors Los Angeles
1Fiberglass Patio Doors Los Angeles
2Fiberglass doors are the next best thing to wood
if you want to preserve the warm and cozy look
that wood products offer. Available in many
colors and styles, fiberglass doors do not have
to be maintained as wood doors do. California
Window Depot offers superior quality fiberglass
patio doors sliding doors including traditional
french doors in orange county ca los angeles.
3One thing to keep in mind, even though fiberglass
is not real wood but a tough composite that can
withstand different climatic conditions, we
suggest thinking twice before choosing this
product in coastal areas. Salt and moisture do
their dastardly deeds no matter what. Other then
that, fiberglass does offer beauty and longevity.
4We carry different quality manufacturers for
fiberglass patio doors because every project is
In most cases, there is only one installation
choice that is available for fiberglass doors
which is taking the whole frame out. As
always, installers must be factory certified, as
ours are.
5- Sliding patio doors may contain from two to four
panels depending on the size. There could be
other variations but these are the two most
popular. - French patio doors are less practical but
considered more stylish and cost more than
sliding doors. - We carry energy efficient doors that contain
LowE2 glass. Grids are available as well to make
your door panels even more attractive.
6When you decide that it's time to revamp your
home, please, give us the opportunity to earn
your business. Fiberglass doors are expensive and
there is not a lot of choice of manufacturers. We
carry most of them and offer competitive prices.
7Address 1626 Wilcox Ave, Ste 261, Los Angeles,
California 90028 USA Phone (844)
503-6677 Website http//www.californiawindowdep