Title: purewaters1@yahoo.com
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2 1. Quality water purification water treatment
eqwe can make for health of our family or for
running a healthy operation in various
industriesuipments are smart investments.
2. Pure Water 1 is a full service water
purification company with global distribution
local access.
3. Pure Water 1 is specialized in the field of
water treatment technology, water treatment
operation and Water treatment maintenance.
4. Wed like to provider sound solution for the
needs of water, either as an essence of life or
necessity for an industrial operation.
3Contamination Sources
4Our goal is to research the latest innovative and
cost effective water treatment technology
products that can be implemented as an effective
solution in different applications coupled with
our customer service and support. Pure Water 1
put special value on customer service along the
process.We go extra miles to make sure we
understand your need, your requirement are
fulfilled and provided solution is in full
functionality and are satisfactory.
5Reverse Osmosis technology
Reverse Osmosis technology purifies water up to
100 without changing any of the water property
or chemistry. Reverse Osmosis technology in
compression has minimal cost of operation, waste
and carbon foot print. Reverse Osmosis at Home
not only provides you with healthy, fresh
convenient drinking and cooking water. but also
will reduce use of energy, plastic bottles,
trash, etc.
Pure Water dispensers with built-in filtration or
reverse osmosis are a great source of clean,
fresh and healthy drinking water for your home,
office, and your commercial facilities. Pure
water dispensers eliminate the costs of water
delivery, and storing and lifting heavy bottles
of water. Pure water dispensers provide hot, cold
and room temperature water, and can be connected
to your ice maker, coffee stations, etc.
Pure water dispensers come in a variety of sizes,
shapes and colors
- Mineral-Alkaline Water Vending Machines are a
great source of healthy drinking water and a
smart investment for additional revenue.
- Our free standing water vending machines with
built in filtration/UV/or reverse osmosis/ UV,
coin and bill acceptor made from fiber glass,
heavy duty fiber glass or stainless steel.
Our agricultural water treatment products can be
used for well water treatment, river water
treatment, sea water treatment, water recycling
treatment, fish farming facilities, green house
irrigation, elevated water towers,
Our goal is to research the latest innovative and
cost effective water treatment technology
products that can be implemented as an effective
solution in different applications coupled with
our customer service and support.
Mailing Address 11870 Santa Monica Blvd.
106-421Los Angeles, CA 90025 USA Phone 1-888-
755-2000 Fax 1-310-584-8683Web www.purewater1.
com Email info_at_purewater1.com Customer
Service cs_at_purewater1.com