Title: Family Court India | Family Law India
2 In 1910, the first Family Courts were
established in the United States. They were
called domestic relations courts. The Family
Courts Act in India, was enacted on 14 September
1984 with a view to secure speedy settlement of
disputes relating to marriage and family affairs.
Courts can be established for every area of the
state consisting of a city or town whose
population exceeds ten lakhs. They are
subordinate to the High Court, which has power to
transfer the case from one family court to the
3 Family court in India is a court
forgathered to decide matters and make orders in
relation to family law such as custody of
children. This court is presided over by a
District Judge and exercises according to the
explanation to sec. 7 of the Family Courts Act.
All the jurisdictions are
exercisable by any district court or any
subordinate civil court under any law, in respect
of suits and proceedings of the nature referred
to sec. 7.
4Family courts can also issue decisions regarding
divorce cases. This Court in India dealt with the
matters like matrimonial relief which includes
nullity of marriage, judicial separation,
divorce, restitution of conjugal rights,
declaration as to the validity of marriage and
matrimonial status of the person, property of the
spouses or any of them and declaration as to the
legitimacy of any person, guardianship of a
person or custody of any minor, maintenance
including the proceeding under the Cr. P.C. etc.
5 Each state has a different system utilized to
address cases related to family law, they still
strive to provide the best possible outcome for
the families.You can get more information by
connecting to the above given link. http//www.pat
6Thank you