Title: Matthew David Parker - Lafayette Salsa Dance Studio Owner
1 Matthew David Parker Lafayette Salsa Dance
Studio Owner
Matthew David Parker founded Lafayette Salsa
Dance Studio in 2010, shortly after earning a
Bachelor of Fine Arts from Louisiana State
University. His childhood dream had always been
to open his own studio and teach the Latin dance
to anyone who wished to learn it. In addition to
running his studio, he enjoys traveling, fishing
and spending time with his family. He is a
husband, father and lives with his family in the
outskirts of Lafayette.Lafayette is thrilled to
have a salsa dance studio and, more importantly,
one run by Matthew David Parker. He founded
Lafayette Salsa Dance Studio in 2010, one year
after earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts from
Louisiana State University. His childhood dream
was always to open his own studio and teach the
sensual Latin dance to anyone who wished to learn
it from a true master. In addition to running his
studio, he enjoys traveling and spending time
with his family.
2 Matthew David Parker
Matthew David Parker is the owner and founder of
Lafayette Salsa Dance Studio, the citys only
studio. Matthew David Parker earned his Bachelor
of Fine Arts from Louisiana State University in
2009 and started his studio in Lafayette a year
later. He has found much success, especially
since his is the only salsa studio in town. In
addition to dancing, he enjoys traveling, fishing
and spending time with his family. He is a
husband, father and lives with his family in a
quaint colonial house in Lafayette.Lafayette has
a salsa dance studio and, more importantly, one
run by superstar dancer Matthew David Parker.
Since founding his dance studio Lafayette Salsa
Dance Studio - in 2010, Matthew David Parker has
become the must-have instructor for those
interested in learning the Latin dance.
3 Matthew David Parker
Salsa Instructor
Lafayette is finally home to one of the finest
salsa instructors in the nation. Matthew David
Parker is the founder of Lafayette Salsa Dance
Studio, the citys only studio that teaches the
famous Latin dance. Matthew David Parker got his
Bachelor of Fine Arts from Louisiana State
University in 2009 and started his studio in
Lafayette a year later, in 2010. His childhood
dream was always to open his own studio and teach
the sensual Latin dance to anyone who wished to
learn it in depth. He is a husband, father and
lives with his family in the outskirts of
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