Title: Aloeclear, The Effective Ingrown Hair Solution
1 Aloe Clear, Clear skin after hair remova
Shaving for both men and women is of
ten an unpleasant, painful but necessary process f
or many
people. Removing unwanted hair
is a frequent job that can leave the skin inflame
d and sore. But
now there is a new pro
duct that can help with the after effects of shavi
ng as well as help to
prevent another u
ncomfortable condition ingrown hairs.
Benefits of aloe vera
The benefits of
aloe vera have long been recognised in a number of
different ways. It was known
as the
plant of immortality by the Ancient Egyptians who
made use of this cactus plant and today
we have a number of medicinal uses for it. The
plant grows in dry climates, originally in Africa,
and secretes a clear gel when leaves a
re broken.
The positive effect of aloe
vera on the skin has been well documented. It c
an treat conditions
ranging from flaky
or dry skin through to more serious problems and s
kin conditions such as those
d after shaving. It can even help with minor skin
infections, burns, wounds and may
tually be used for conditions including psoriasis
and eczema.
2 Aloe Clear
These benefits are
one of the factors that make ?Aloe Clear,? an eff
ective tool against ingrown hairs
and ra
zor rash. Aloeclear is a new product that harnesse
s aloe along with soothing Mentha
ita or peppermint oil to create a new product that
has quickly become an effective post hair
removal treatment
The product is de
signed to combat ingrown hairs by using the antiba
cterial abilities of the aloe
with the exfoliating action of the roll on gel. T
he result is a product that quickly
reshes the skin and helps combat those uncomfortab
le and unsightly ingrown hairs.
Aloe Cl
ear comes in a roll on form and can be used after
shaving with a razor as well as after
axing, sugaring, threading and even electrolysis.
It has a rich formula that instantly cools the
skin, often inflamed by these processes.
It also alleviates the redness caused by shaving
or waxing
and the effect will be felt a
s soon as the product is applied.
e other products, Aloe Clear has less alcohol in i
formula which means it gives a sooth
ing, cooling feeling with
none of the s
ting that high alcohol products create. In place
of some alcohol, the creators have used
rehydrated aloe vera
to create a pleas
ant application with a cooling effect, as well
as the light fragrance of peppermint.
3 Ingrown hairs
As well as deal
ing with the unpleasant after effects of hair remo
val, Aloe Clear is ideal for dealing
th ingrown hairs. This can happen anywhere on the
body and can be quite painful, especially if
in an area such as the neck when a shirt is
worn or on the bikini line legs and underarms.
The product also comes in a small, pocket
size roll on that is ideal to carry with you and
to take on
Aloe Cl
ear is effective way to deal with bikini line ingr
hairs, common after hair removal, t
hat create unsightly red
bumps. Applyi
ng the product not only soothes the skin but
exfoliates it, greatly reducing the chance o
f ingrown hairs and
allowing normal hai
r regrowth to emerge from the follicle.