Title: 5 Star Scooters Present Lightweight And Adjustable U-step Walker
15 Star Scooters Present Lightweight And
Adjustable U-step Walker
5 Star Mobility Scooters can offer you an
unrivalled range of products and accessories to
make your life easier, more comfortable and more
independent. We provide an electric wheelchairs
scooter, power chair ,riser-recliner, small
portable scooters, portable mobility scooters,
folding mobility scooters, travel mobility
scooters, u step walker.
U-Step Walker is specifically made for
Parkinsons, it has no competitors. U-Step Walker
is made for those patients who can walk upright
safely within walker it has Sharp red laser
light projects when leaned on. Easily helps to
getting out of chair and allows control of speed.
It is very Lightweight and adjustable also Low
maintenance and 2 AA batteries supply power.
4 Advantage of U-Step Walker
- Some Advantage of U-Step Walker
- U-STEP will not move until brakes are squeezed,
very important for Parkinsons - Rear wheels can be further tensioned with
rolling resistance control to slow speed - All round wheels allow U-STEP to turn on its own
footprint. - 40 of Parkinsons sufferers have Freezing of
Gait (FOG) and the laser and sound cue module
will combat FOG with a very high success rate - Spring loaded front wheels allow traversing
small rises and rear kerb assists help overcome
5 Product Description
- Its medical approved, Most advanced wheeled
walker - Providing superior stability maneuverability
control to keep you safe. - Constructed with highest quality materials
ensure your stability and security. - The pattern is U shaped based to protect you
from falling. - Low center of gravity for maximum stability.
- Handlebars positioned to help you stand
correctly - It has 29 inch turning circle, Easily work
through narrow hallways -
6 Product Description
U-Step Walker
7 Product Specifications
Maximum User Weight 170kg Accomidates users 410
to 62? or 148 to 188cm Overall width 58.5cm Seat
height 56cm Length 63.5cm Turning circle 74cm
Colour Black Weight 9.1 kgs Folded Dimensions
(approx) 107 x 58.5 x 26cm
8 unique features
- The Laser cane has also unique features
- U-Step Walker (with laser and sound cue module)
1,250 - U-Step Walker without laser 895
- Laser and sound cue module 330
9 contact us
5 Star Mobility Scooters Unit 3/6 0Sullivan
beach road Adelaide, South Australia-
5160 www.5starscooters.com.au
Monday to Friday 10am-4pm all other times by