Title: Why I Love Angular JS?
1Why I Love Angular JS?
2It has been more than 6 years that I have been a
web developer, from software apps to webs apps, I
have done it all. And all this while, it was
JavaScript that had taken over my world of
development. But since the introduction of
Angular JS, my perspective has changed. It is
somewhere much better than JavaScript for web
apps like CRUD, RESTful and yes of course Single
Page Applications. Here is why i am so much in
love with this technology framework.
31. Two Way Data Binding
There is a need to understand the most elaborate
features of Angular JS and two way binding is one
of the most awesome features of Angular JS. Also,
there is a need to realize this advantage that
Angular JS offers. A web developer can easily
choose models to bind them into HTML elements.
Also, when you change your models, then you can
make changes later where the changes will be
updated automatically. I am so fond of this
technology framework because it reduces the
amount of boilerplate code which is written to
keep the model and view in sync.
42. Directives
Yes, Angular Js provides with amazing directives
which allows software application specialists to
enable you with HTML new syntax and helps in
creating reusable custom components with the
directive API. So your development efforts are
absolutely worth it.
53. Easy Templating
With the changes among development trends, even
Angular JS has come up with the latest version
i.e. Angular JS 2 which has eased out the process
of integrating templates to the web application
development. It uses HTML for templating. Because
HTML provides easy code base, it becomes
convenient for developers to look into their code
later and make the necessary changes. Developers
and UI designers love this about Angular JS
because they can create UI in the ways they
prefer and developers can use the binding syntax
to blend the UI components with data models.
64. Allows Embedding, Testing Injecting
With JavaScript also this was possible. But with
Angular JS, it is much easier and faster. This
makes this framework so much fun to work with. It
is team player, adapts to the situation and acts
according to the requirements of the team and
ensure that the game is on! And there is a dearth
for such application frameworks that make
development fun and easy at the same time. As the
official Angular JS website mentions You can use
as little or as much as required of Angular JS
for your projects. It supports dependency
Injection out of the box. Moreover, you just have
to ask Angular to inject it for you.
7Angular JS improves testability and you can
easily mock the components during testing. To
make you fall in love with it, I have to
highlight the features like routing, filters and
animations. And the above points are also much in
order to make you fall in love with Angular
JS. At first, it was created by keeping the
aspect of testing in mind. Also the modules and
Dependency Injection System that you choose make
the unit testing much easier. Also, Angular JS
offers a tool called Protractor which makes
End-to-End testing a breeze. Thus, the code that
you write and develop is always ready for
8Angular JS A Framework to Stay
Angular JS is one of those frameworks which has
emerged as a robust and development friendly
framework in very less time and thus i highly
recommend this framework. I hope this blog was a
good read, if you have any queries in regard with
Angular JS, and then please write to me, I could
solve your queries with my experience.
Originally posted by http//goo.gl/2CBBeU
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