Title: USA Politics News
1USA Politics
Democratic Party
US presidential elections 2016 Long list of
Republican candidates
2USA Politics
Donald Trump
Bombastic real estate mogul and reality TV star
drew fire for racially inflammatory remarks about
Mexicans, but is surging in recent polls
3USA Politics
Jeb Bush
Former Florida governor is the son and brother of
past presidents and enjoys frontrunner status due
to the best name recognition and fundraising
resources in the party
4USA Politics
Scott Walker
Wisconsin governor is leading in the Iowa caucus
polls and, perhaps more than any other candidate,
appeals to both Christian conservatives and Wall
Street bankers
5USA Politics
Marco Rubio
Florida senator is a favourite of the party's
defence hawks, but his advocacy for immigration
reform turned his Tea Party backers against him
6USA Politics
Mike Huckabee
Baptist preacher and former governor of Arkansas
finished second to John McCain in 2008 and is a
favourite of conservative evangelicals
7USA Politics
Rand Paul
Libertarian senator from Kentucky is a favourite
of the party's wealthy financiers and appeals to
many younger voters, a demographic that has
eluded the GOP in recent elections
8USA Politics
Ben Carson
Only African American running is a famous doctor,
but a political neophyte who is building his
campaign around appeal to conservative Christians
9USA Politics
Ted Cruz
Senator from Texas is a Tea Party darling, but
loathed by Republican leaders for his role in
shutting down the federal government in 2013
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