Title: An Overview ASP.NET vNEXT - CRB Tech
1Next Generation Asp.net vNext
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2ASP.Net vNext
ASP.Net vNext General Introduction Significance
- Changes are extremely quick in programming
world and particularly in web advancement world.
In the previous decade there have been numerous
new upgrades in programmings like grasping
coordinated approach , adjusting decoupled
design, moving far from exclusive programming
towards open source. A portion of the imperative
things that have turned into a standard in the
last couple of years and are normal in any system
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3ASP.Net vNext
This is conversely with the past era of systems
in which new structure discharge cycles were
generally rare and more often than not in
years. Cross stage advancement. Applications
ought to have the capacity to keep running on a
wide range of stages. Open source. Since it
helps makes a vast designer group and permits
everybody to contribute . ASP.NET has developed
as a web advancement stage over the years. It has
made some amazing progress from web structures to
MVC to WebAPI. In the meantime web improvement
world has greatly changed subsequent to the
underlying arrival of ASP.NET.
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4ASP.Net vNext
ASP.NET vNext primary elements - In ASP.NET
,parcel of usefulness is exemplified in various
system gatherings and any redesigns to the
usefulness ,regardless of how little ,means
dispatching another adaptation of the whole
assembly. This is not in concurrence with the
dexterous advancement universe of today in which
changes are exceptionally visit. Likewise on the
off chance that we need to utilize a solitary
class from one of these gatherings then the best
way to utilize the class is to reference the
whole assembly , which may comprise of tons of
different namespaces which we neednt bother
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5ASP.Net vNext
There are congregations like System.web that
contains heaps of usefulness. It contains classes
and interfaces that empower program server
correspondence. It contains classes like
HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse ,it contains classes
for various purposes like treat control and
document exchange. Likewise It contains the
whole Web Forms usefulness. In the event that we
extend the System.Web assembly hub in the
elements program, we can investigate the diverse
namespaces that it contains. Advances which were
presented later like MVC and WebAPI gave an
answer for the solid congregations as NuGet
bundles. MVC has a reliance on System.Web while
WebAPI have no reliance on System Web .
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6ASP.Net vNext
1. NuGet Packages ASP.NET vNext expels the
reliance on solid structure congregations.
Presently we will be for the most part utilizing
NuGet bundles rather than assemblies. In
actuality, Cloud enhanced system is only a
gathering of NuGet packages.We can say that now
Nuget is a critical segment in all the vNext
applications. One essential thing is that there
is no System.Web assembly at this point. The
usefulness in the System.Web has been moved into
littler nuget bundles. At whatever point we
redesign any nuget bundle in the project.json
record then it is naturally upgraded in the
references hub in the arrangement pilgrim.
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7Step 4. Pass the Query to the IndexSearcher
2. Cross Platform ASP.NET Coupled to the
windows environment/IIS As we are probably aware
that ASP.NET is intended to keep running on a
windows OS and IIS web server. Though we can
utilize Mono to run our applications on different
stages yet just Xamarin was in charge of keeping
up Mono. Also arranging our applications for
these stages required a noteworthy effort. We
need to consider the mod_mono/xsp/apache
arrangement. In spite of the fact that we can
run our applications on different stages yet
there was no simple route for us to build up our
applications on non-windows stages. ASP.NET vNext
Designed as cross stage and host skeptic
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8Step 5. Iterates over the outcomes
3. Open source ASP.NET Proprietary Despite
the fact that MVC and Entity systems which were
discharged later are open source and accessible
on codeplex, past adaptations of ASP.NET and its
the greater part of the innovations have been
exclusive. ASP.NET vNext-Fully Open Source MVC
and Entity systems are open source and were
accessible on Codeplex, in past variant of
ASP.NET. Now ASP.NET vNext is completely open
source and its code is accessible on GitHub.
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9Step 6. Close everything
4. Side-by-side Execution ASP.NET Not simple
to specifically upgrade the systems Generally we
have heaps of various applications sent on the
generation server. We can have distinctive
applications on the server which use diverse
adaptations of the system. So we can have couple
of utilizations utilizing the structure 3.0 and
different applications utilizing system 4.0 and
these all applications can exist together
joyfully on the same machine with no
issues. ASP.NET vNext Ability to convey the
structure alongside the application
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10Step 6. Close everything
5. Cloud Ready ASP.NET Need to roll out
improvements to send applications on the
cloud As cloud is a relatively more current
innovation, ASP.NET was not at first intended for
the cloud environment. We need to roll out a few
improvements in our applications to send them on
the cloud. Like making design changes. This
implies rolling out critical improvements to our
application. ASP.NET vNext Cloud prepared In
ASP.NET vNext applications as opposed to bringing
the qualities from web.config there are worth
suppliers which gets us the right setup values.
In certainty there is no web.config record now.
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11Step 6. Close everything
6. Composable Pipeline ASP.NET Little Control
over the Request pipeline In past forms of
ASP.NET the request goes through a very much
characterized demand pipeline until it is taken
care of by the HTTPHandler for the request. We
can characterize the event handlers for the HTTP
modules and characterize the HTTP handlers. But
the request is gone through settled arrangement
of segments over which we have next to zero
control. ASP.NET vNext Ability to add parts to
the pipeline
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12Step 6. Close everything
7. MVC 6 Single Framework ASP.NET WebAPI , MVC
and Web Pages have distinctive usage In spite of
the fact that there is much similitude between
MVC ,WebAPI, and Web Pages their executions
varies because of chronicled reasons. This is
because of the certainty Web API came after MVC.
MVC was discharged after Web Forms and it changed
the way to deal with web improvement in
.NET. ASP.NET vNext MVC 6 Commom
system MVC,WebAPI,Web Pages, and Signal R are
brought together in a typical structure, MVC 6.
MVC 5 relies on IIS while MVC 6 can act naturally
facilitated and relies on upon the new asp.net
vnext pipeline.
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13Step 6. Close everything
8. Roslyn Compiler ASP.NET Need to reconstruct
the application after code changes In the past
forms at whatever point we alter our code we have
to revamp the application for our progressions to
produce results. Additionally we dont have entry
to the compiler API in our code as it resembled a
black box. ASP.NET vNext Dynamic
Compilation ASP.NET vNext comprises of up and
coming era of compilers called Roslyn.Roslyn is
an open source compiler platform. It uncovered an
article situated API .We can utilize this API to
utilize elements of roslyn, for example, code
examination in our code.In the past variants we
needed to utilize instruments for code
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14Step 6. Close everything
ASP.NET WebAPI , MVC and Web Pages have
distinctive usage In spite of the fact that
there is much similitude between MVC ,WebAPI, and
Web Pages their executions varies because of
chronicled reasons. This is because of the
certainty Web API came after MVC. MVC was
discharged after Web Forms and it changed the way
to deal with web improvement in .NET. ASP.NET
vNext MVC 6 Commom system MVC,WebAPI,Web
Pages, and Signal R are brought together in a
typical structure, MVC 6. MVC 5 relies on IIS
while MVC 6 can act naturally facilitated and
relies on upon the new asp.net vnext pipeline.
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15Thank You..!
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