Title: TIBCO Frameworks
1TIBCO Frameworks
2TIBCO Frameworks
TIBCO provides a common framework for integrating
incompatible and distributed systems making it
faster and easier to tie together applications
and Web Services so you can integrate them into
business processes that span your
organization. IBCO reduces the complexity of
your IT infrastructure and dramatically improves
its reliability, flexibility and
scalability. TIBCOs EAI(Enterprise application
integration) software lets your applications,
databases and mainframes communicate and interact
with each other by automatically routing and
transforming information so it gets where it
needs to be, when it needs to be there, and in
the proper format.
3TIBCO Frameworks
Frameworks Logarythm An enterprise processes
thousands of business transactions on a daily
basis. These transactions are split into discrete
transactions processed by multitude of
transactional systems. Operations / command
center is the first point of contact in case of
any business disruptions. The tool
offers Implementation statistics End-to-end
business insights Insight into transaction
4TIBCO Frameworks
Quick Install and Deploy TIBCO deployments are
rarely error-prone, therefore we can automate
code promotion with Quick Deploy, a framework
built for streamlining configuration
management. Features include 1. Quick
installation and configuration including Docker
Containerization for BW 5.x products 2.
Repeatable framework, extensible to customer
needs 3. Customer can focus on building new
5TIBCO Frameworks
Quick Monitor Our experts designed the Quick
Monitor solution to have business operations on
the TIBCO platform functioning with minimal
disruption. Highlights of the packaged solution
ships with click-to-deploy capability 1.
Pro-actively monitor manage TIBCO
infrastructure and applications 2. Real-time
notifications 3. Health-check dashboard
6TIBCO Frameworks
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