Title: BUS 642 MASTER innovative education/bus642master.com
1BUS 642 MASTER innovative education/bus642master.c
2BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Entire Course (2 Sets) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.bus642master.com This Tutorial Contains
2 Sets of Assignments for All Weeks, Check
Details Below BUS 642 Week 1 Assignment Research
Project (2 Papers) BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 1 Scientific
Thinking BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 2 Scholarly Research
BUS 642 Week 2 Assignment Research Project (2
Papers) BUS 642 Week 2 DQ 1 Ethics in Internet
Research BUS 642 Week 2 DQ 2 Research Design BUS
642 Week 3 Assignment Research Project (2 Papers)
BUS 642 Week 3 DQ 1 Measurement Scales ( Updated)
BUS 642 Week 3 DQ 2 Survey and Interview Methods
BUS 642 Week 4 Assignment Research Project (2
3BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 1 Assignment Research Project (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.co
m This Tutorial contains 2 Different Projects
Research Project Week One. Each weeks
assignment in this class will lead up to the
final research project in Week Six. Before you
work on Week Ones assignment, preview the
Research Project" in Week Six so you understand
the final outcome of this project. Also read this
weeks lecture. If you are having a difficult
time choosing your topic, please contact your
instructor before th
4BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 1 Scientific Thinking FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.com Business -
General Business Scientific ThinkingDevelop a
hypothesis for a problem at a local business (for
example high employee turnover). Determine if
your hypothesis has adequacy for its purpose, is
testable and better than its rivals. Then, use
the Checklist for Developing a Strong Hypothesis
on pa
5BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 2 Scholarly Research FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.com Scholarly
Research. Using the Library, find a scholarly
business research article on a topic you may want
to write about for your final paper. Sample
topics include, but are not limited to
Manufacturing Quality/Cost Improvement Service
Quality Improvement Systems Design Accounts
Receivable/Billing/AR Aging Marketing/Advertising
Issues Sales of Goods Investments Product Safety
Workplace Safety Labor Pools HR matters of broad
concern Population Studies Use the sources
business research. Library Research
6BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 2 Assignment Research Project (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.co
m This Tutorial contains 2 Different Projects
Research Project Week Two. Before you complete
your week two assignment, please read your
instructors comments about your week one
assignment, as well as this weeks lecture. Be
sure to include any suggested changes in your
project going forward. In a three- to four- page
paper (not including the title and reference
pages), provide the following A revised version
of your introduction, research question,
background research, and hypothesis. These
revisions must be based
7BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 2 DQ 1 Ethics in Internet
Research FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.c
om Ethics in Internet Research. Read the journal
article The Ethics of Internet Research and this
weeks lecture. In your own words, provide a
summary of the article and add your own thoughts
on how the Internet can affect the research
process, including, but not limited to, ethics
concerns. Respond to at least two of your
classmates posts.
8BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 2 DQ 2 Research Design FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.com Research
Design. Googles business model includes
state-of-the art research. Pick a research study
that Googles researchers have done from their
list of Research Areas Publications. What do
you think about this research? Find details about
related research to support your argument. Cite
9BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 3 Assignment Research Project (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.co
m This Tutorial contains 2 Different Projects
Research Project Week Three. Before you
complete your week three assignment, please read
your instructors comments about your week two
assignment, as well as this weeks lecture. Be
sure to include any suggested changes in your
project going forward. In a three- to four- page
paper (not including the title and reference
pages), provide the following a. A revised
version of your
10BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 3 DQ 1 Measurement Scales (
Updated) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.c
om Measurement Scales. Find a scholarly research
study from the Library that uses measurement
scales for data collection (such as in a survey).
Explain the measurement scales that the study
used, and evaluate them. Did you think the
researchers made good decisions about the scales?
Why or why not? Cite the study in APA format.
Respond to at least two of your classmates posts.
11BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 3 DQ 2 Survey and Interview
Methods FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.co
m Survey and Interview Methods. Find a scholarly
research study from the Library that uses surveys
or interviews for data collection. Also read this
weeks lecture before submitting your post. Cite
the paper in APA format. In your post Tell us
what kind of survey or interview the study uses
(e.g., self-administered interviewing,
face-to-face interviewing, phone inter
12BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 4 Assignment Research Project (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.co
m This Tutorial contains 2 Different Projects
Research Project Week Four. Before you complete
your week four assignment, please read your
instructors comments about your week three
assignment, as well as this weeks lecture. Be
sure to include any suggested changes in your
project going forward. In a five- to six-page
paper (not including the title and reference
pages), provide the following A revised version
of your introduction, research question,
background research, hypothesis, research design,
sampling plan,
13BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 4 DQ 1 Qualitative Analysis FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.com Qualitative
Analysis. Using one of the Data Access Tools from
the United States Census Bureau, choose some
interesting census data and perform a qualitative
analysis on it in order to answer a question you
want to answer with the data. Do not just copy
and paste or summarize the data that you find.
Use an appropriate qualitative analysis technique
and provide your thought process behind the
technique you chose (e.g., why did you
14BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 4 DQ 2 Observational Studies FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.com Observatio
nal Studies. Observe some people doing something
for about 15 minutes. You could do it almost
anywhere in a store, at work, or even at home if
you live with other people! Before you begin,
think about a question you want to answer, such
as Where do customers go after they enter this
store? or How do people act when they are in
their offices? In your post Write up your
experience and any context that would be
important for us to understand. (Where were you?
How many people were present? What time of
15BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 5 Assignment Research Project (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.co
m This Tutorial contains 2 Different Projects
Research Project Week Five. Before you complete
your week five assignment, please read your
instructors comments about your week four
assignment, as well as this weeks lecture. Be
sure to include any suggested changes in your
project going forward. In a seven- to eight-page
paper (not including the title and reference
pages), provide the following A revised version
of your introduction,
16BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 5 DQ Statistical Analysis FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.com Statistical
Analysis. Using one of the Data Access Tools from
the United States Census Bureau, choose some
interesting census data and perform a statistical
analysis on it in order to answer a question you
want to answer with the data. Do not just copy
and paste or summarize the data that you find.
Use an appropriate statistical tool and provide
your thought process behind the tool you chose as
as well as the results of your statistical
analysis. Use this weeks lecture to aid your
analysis. Cite the data source that you chose
17BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 6 Assignment Research Project (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.co
m This Tutorial contains 2 Different Projects The
final version of your research project should be
10-12 double-spaced pages (not including the
title page, reference page, tables, appendices,
etc.). The paper will be an original business
research project that tests a hypothesis of your
choice. The research can relate to your place of
current/previous employment or other contexts of
interest. Sample topics could include, but are
18BUS 642 MASTER innovative education
BUS 642 Week 6 DQ Presenting Results FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus642master.com Presenting
Results. Find a presentation of interest on TED
and critique its content, visuals, and the
presenters skills (if applicable). Use this
weeks lecture to aid your analysis. Provide a
citation to the presentation in APA format.
Respond to at least two of your classmates posts.
19BUS 642 MASTER innovative education