Title: Sex Problem Treatment in Patel Nagar
1Sex Problem Treatment in Patel Nagar
Dr. P. K. Gupta is the director of Dr. P.K.
Gupta's Super Speciality Clinic in Rohini, New
Delhi (India) and is having medical Qualification
M.B.B.S., M.D., P.G.D.S.(Sexual Medicine-
America) is also member council of Sex
Education Parenthood (International). He has
also forrmerly been a part of Ram Manohar Lohia
Hospital (Central Govenment) and G.B. Pant Super
Speciality Hospital, Maulana Azad Medical
College, Delhi Govt.
CALL US NOW91-9999 925 201
2 Sex Problems Our Services
. Premature Ejaculation . Poor Egg quality
Endometriosis treatment Ovulation . increase sex
powerlow libido . ENDOMETRIOSIS
Visit us http//www.sexproblems.co.in/
3 Premature Ejaculation
- This can be treated by itself as the experience
increases you learned some distractions and a
hold on mentality works out a lot. Healthy food
and free minded is really gone work. In some of
the worsen cases we have to suggest for the drugs
and some exercises to learn to control your
- There is no such causes of premature ejaculation.
It may be due to anxiety fear or unhealthier
mental peace. In some of the cases it may be due
to emotion towards the new partner or its long
time since previous ejaculation
4 Poor Egg quality Endometriosis treatment
- Age factor-which is the dominant cause of poor
egg quality and quantity because as the age
marked on inclination there is a significant
increase in chromosomal abnormalities and with
this age factor domination of infertile to
fertile eggs ratio escalates, which concluded to
infertility.Measurement of infertility also
notable by no. of eggs remain for the
future.Issue of blood circulation with-in the
ovary brings poor egg conclusion, a healthy diet
along with Nitric oxide (increases the blood
circulation) and change in lifestyle can work for
you.In some of our cases smoking, alcohol, over
exercise, mental and physical stress may also
lend the cause. Overwhelming physical exercise or
action enlightened you to the most unforeseen
- Many thinks if a woman has poor egg quality she
will never be able to conceive, but our
consideration brings quite a different side of a
coin dont get panic, we have an array of
sources to lay it down and let you conceive.
There are some nutrition available in the market
which we may recommend in generic cases of egg
quality quantity such as Omega-3 Fatty Acid,
Comid, Melatonin, DHEA and many mores to bring an
impressive effect, but we always advice to have a
clear suggestion or recommendation from our
consultant members before consuming anyone. But
if nutritions dont work for you, you can always
consider an egg donor or surgery as an option for
getting pregnant. With our years of hardworking
and dedication we have almost treated all
category of cases till now and resulted in a
foreseen ended.
5 increase sex powerlow libido
- Any imbalance in the process of ovulation either
dysfunction of brain parts or hormonal glands or
sick of ovary leads to ovulation
problemImbalance of hormonal secretion such as
decline in erection of estrogens from ovary,
pitbul glands hormone as well follicle-stimulating
hormone which alter the ovulation cycle in many
unforeseen ways. Some of the special cases
highlights unusual causes, excess production of
male hormones by ovary brings out polycystic
ovary syndrome.Some physical or psychological
causes just as diabetes, obesity, excess use of
drugs (such as progestogen, estrogen), over
exercises, weight loss or over consumption of
alcohol, mental stress. But sometimes menopause
worsen the problem.
- Ovulation can be treated accordingly to patients
phase of problem, there are both physical and
psychological solutions available, some used to
bend directly towards the drugs freely available
in the market, to trigger the imbalanced
hormones, but we always advice our patients not
to consume non-recommended drugs which could
leads you to malfunction of hormonal glands. Some
other alternates which may work, seems as, change
of physical environment or life style or
different exercises to put a control on
malfunction of hormonal glands. And some others
try to overcome their habitual problems such as
alcoholic or mental stress or anxieties. Some
commonly used drugs and injections are oral
preparation called clomiphene citrate and FSH
injections which used to trigger the hormonal
secretion but sometimes having a risk of multiple
follicle development, which results in multiple
- Some used to believe that after menstrual flow
into the Fallopian tubes/the pelvic and abdominal
cavity during menstruation, endometrial tissues
get deposited in unusual locations, may leads to
endometriosis. Another possibilities may be due
to grow up of primitive cells into other form of
tissues such as endometrial cells.
- This can be diagnosed accordingly to different
stages. We follow pain medication, injecting
hormones and surgical method to get you
7Metro Tower Plaza, in front karol Bagh Metro
Station, Karol Bagh, Delhi-110060 Phone 91-9999
925 201
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