solar system - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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solar system


a ppt on solar system and eyerything about it – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: solar system

Our Solar system
  • Mercury , is the closest planet to the sun , is
    also the smallest planet in the solar system .Its
    diameter is just less than the diameter of the
  • Mercury completes one revolution around the sun
    in only 88 days mercury take 58 days to complete
    one rotation on its axis .
  • During the day , Mercury s temperature goes
    above 400C due to its proximity to the sun. At
    night the temperature drops down to 175C as
    mercury loses all its heat because it has almost
    no atmosphere to drop the sun s.
  • Mercury has no moon.

Mercury Statistics Mercury Statistics

Equatorial radius (km) 2,439.7
Mean distance from the Sun (km) 57,910,000
Mean distance from the Sun (Earth 1) 0.3871
Rotational period (days) 58.6462
Orbital period (days) 87.969
Mean surface temperature 179C
Maximum surface temperature 427C
Minimum surface temperature -173C
Atmospheric composition Helium Sodium Oxygen Other 42 42 15 1
  • Venus is the second closest planet to the sun.
    Viewed from earth it is the brightest of the
    planets. In fact if you know where to look it is
    possible to see it in broad daylight. At night it
    is bright enough to cast shadows. It's brightness
    is due to two things. Firstly it is quite close
    to earth compared to the other planets. Secondly
    it is highly reflective and a lot of sunlight
    bounces off the planet.
  • Venus has no moon

Venus Statistics Venus Statistics

Equatorial radius (km) 6,051.8
Equatorial radius (Earth 1) .94886
Mean distance from the Sun (km) 108,200,000
Mean distance from the Sun (Earth 0.7233
Rotational period (days) -243.0187
Orbital period (days) 224.701
Mean surface temperature 482C
Atmospheric pressure (bars) 92
Atmospheric composition Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Trace amounts of Sulfur dioxide, water vapor, carbon monoxide, argon, helium, neon, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen fluoride. 96 3
(No Transcript)
  • Earth is a small, rocky planet which supports a
    variety of life! As far as we know, Earth is
    unique from all other planets in this respect.
  • B. Temperatures at the Earth's center may be
    as high as 7500 K - That's hotter than the
    surface of the Sun!
  • C. The Earth is the densest major body in the
    solar system. This means that it's the most
    "compact" of all the planets. For example, you
    have two loaves of bread, both of the same
    amount. You smash one loaf of bread flat. Even
    though both loaves are of the same amount, the
    smashed bread is denser because it is more
  • D. The Earth is 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old,
    but the oldest known rocks are less than 4
    billion years old. Rocks older than 3 billion
    years are rare. The oldest fossils of living
    organisms are less than 3.9 billion years old!
  • E. The Earth has one moon.

The 1 moon of earth
Our moon
  • Most of the moons found in the solar system are
    very small in comparison to the planet they
    orbit. However the earth's moon is large in
    comparison (about one third the size of the
    earth) and many astronomers consider the
    earth-moon system to be a double planet.
  • The moon orbits the earth every 27.5 days and its
    rotation time is the same so we always see the
    same side of the moon facing us. The first time
    mankind ever got a view of the dark side of the
    moon was when the Luna 3 space probe sent back
    photos in 1959.
  • When looking at the moon with the unaided eye,
    two types of terrain can be seen. The lighter
    areas are the mountainous regions. These are
    known as the 'highlands'. The darker areas are
    the 'mare' regions. These are flat low lying
    regions. 'Mare' is the latin word for sea and at
    first it was thought that the darker areas of the
    surface were lunar oceans. They are actually
    large basins that filled up with lava which
    pushed its way to the surface 3 to 4 billion
    years ago.

Moon Statistics Moon Statistics

Equatorial radius (km) 1,737.4
Mean distance from Earth (km) 384,400
Rotational period (days) 27.32166
Orbital period (days) 27.32166
Average length of lunar day (days) 29.53059
Mean surface temperature (day) 107C
Mean surface temperature (night) -153C
Maximum surface temperature 123C
Minimum surface temperature -233C
  • Mars is the last of the rocky inner planets. When
    seen in the night's sky Mars has a reddish colour
    and to the Roman's this fiery planet was the
    bringer of war.
  • Mars has probably caught the human imagination
    more than any other planet. In the 1870s it was
    incorrectly reported that canals had been
    observed on the Martian surface. Since then there
    has been much speculation about life on Mars

Mars Statistics Mars Statistics

Equatorial radius (km) 3,397.2
Equatorial radius (Earth 1) 5.3264e-01
Mean distance from the Sun (km) 227,940,000
Mean distance from the Sun (Earth 1) 1.5237
Rotational period (hours) 24.6229
Rotational period (days) 1.025957
Orbital period (days) 686.98
Minimum surface temperature -140C
Mean surface temperature -63C
Maximum surface temperature 20C
Atmospheric pressure (bars) 0.007
Atmospheric composition Carbon Dioxide (C02) Nitrogen (N2) Argon (Ar) Oxygen (O2) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Water (H2O) Neon (Ne) Krypton (Kr) Xenon (Xe) Ozone (O3) 95.32 2.7 1.6 0.13 0.07 0.03 0.00025 0.00003 0.000008 0.000003
The 2 moon of mars
Deimos Phobos
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Asteroid note
  • Asteroids are chunks of rock and metal that orbit
    around the Sun. Scientists think that they are
    loose material that never formed into planets.
  • The Main Asteroid Belt is located between Mars
    and Jupiter.
  • The total mass of all the asteroids is less than
    that of the Moon.
  • There are 26 known asteroids larger than 200 km
    across. We probably know 99 of the asteroids
    larger than 100 km across. We've cataloged about
    half of the asteroids in the 10 km to 100 km size
    range. Scientists still don't know much about the
    smaller ones. It's thought there may be as many
    as a million 1 km sized asteroids may exist.

  • The fifth (5th) planet from the sun, Jupiter is
    huge and is the most massive planet in our solar
    system. Its a mostly gaseous world, mostly
    hydrogen and helium. Its swirling clouds are
    colorful due to different types of trace gases. A
    big feature is the Great Red Spot, a giant storm
    which has raged for hundreds of years. Jupiter
    has a strong magnetic field, and with dozens of
    moons, it looks a bit like a miniature solar

Jupiter Statistics Jupiter Statistics

Equatorial radius (km) 71,492
Mean distance from the Sun (km) 778,330,000
Mean distance from the Sun (Earth 1) 5.2028
Rotational period (days) 0.41354
Orbital period (days) 4332.71
Mean cloud temperature -121C
Atmospheric pressure (bars 90 10
Some moons of Jupiter
Callisto Europa Ganymede Io Thebe Elara
Amaltea Callirrhoe Leda Lysithea Metis Themisto
  • The sixth (6th) planet from the sun is known most
    for its rings. When Galileo Galilei first studied
    Saturn in the early 1600s, he thought it was an
    object with three parts. Not knowing he was
    seeing a planet with rings, the stumped
    astronomer entered a small drawing a symbol
    with one large circle and two smaller ones in
    his notebook, as a noun in a sentence describing
    his discovery. More than 40 years later,
    Christiaan Huygens proposed that they were rings.
    The rings are made of ice and rock. Scientists
    are not yet sure how they formed. The gaseous
    planet is mostly hydrogen and helium. It has
    numerous moons.

Saturn Statistics Saturn Statistics

Equatorial radius (km) 60,268
Mean distance from the Sun (km) 1,429,400,000
Mean distance from the Sun (Earth 1) 9.5388
Rotational period (hours) 10.233
Orbital period (years) 29.458
Mean cloud temperature -125C

Atmospheric composition Hydrogen Helium 97 3
Some moons of Saturan
Atlas Calypos Dione Enceladus Hyperion Helene Iapetus
Pan Methone Mimas Titan Janus Rhea Phoebe
  • The seventh (7th) planet from the sun, Uranus is
    an oddball. Its the only giant planet whose
    equator is nearly at right angles to its orbit
    it basically orbits on its side. Astronomers
    think the planet collided with some other
    planet-sized object long ago, causing the tilt.
    The tilt causes extreme seasons that last 20
    years, and the sun beats down on one pole or the
    other for 84 Earth-years. Uranus is about the
    same size as Neptune. Methane in the atmosphere
    gives Uranus its blue-green tint. It has numerous
    moons and faint rings.Discovery 1781 by William
    Herschel (was thought previously to be a
    star)Named for Personification of heaven in
    ancient myth

Uranus Statistics Uranus Statistics

Equatorial radius (km) 25,559
Mean distance from the Sun (km) 2,870,990,000
Mean distance from the Sun (Earth 1) 19.1914
Rotational period (hours) -17.9
Orbital period (years) 84.01
Mean cloud temperature -193C
Atmospheric pressure (bars) 1.2
Atmospheric composition Hydrogen Helium Methane 83 15 2
Some moons of Uranus
Oberon Miranda Titania Umbrie
Puck Ariel Ferdinand Bianca
  • The eighth (8th) planet from the sun, Neptune is
    known for strong winds sometimes faster than
    the speed of sound. Neptune is far out and cold.
    The planet is more than 30 times as far from the
    sun as Earth. It has a rocky core. Neptune was
    the first planet to be predicted to exist by
    using math, before it was detected.
    Irregularities in the orbit of Uranus led French
    astronomer Alexis Bouvard to suggest some other
    might be exerting a gravitational tug. German
    astronomer Johann Galle used calculations to help
    find Neptune in a telescope. Neptune is about 17
    times as massive as Earth

Neptune Statistics Neptune Statistics

Equatorial radius (km) 24,746
Mean distance from the Sun (km) 4,504,300,000
Mean distance from the Sun (Earth 1) 30.0611
Rotational period (hours) 16.11
Orbital period (years) 164.79
Mean cloud temperature -193 to -153C
Atmospheric pressure (bars) 1-3
Atmospheric composition Hydrogen Helium Methane 85 13 2
Some moons of Neptune
Triton Proteus Nereid Sao Iarissa Naiad
Galatea Psamathe Halimede Despina
  • The ninth (9th) planet from thee sun well
    Pluto is unlike other planets in many respects.
    It is smaller than our moon. Its orbit carries
    inside the orbit of Neptune and the way out
    beyond that orbit. From 1979 until early 1999,
    Pluto had actually been the eighth planet from
    the sun. Then, on Feb. 11, 1999, it crossed
    Neptune's path and once again became the solar
    system's most distant planet until it was
    demoted to dwarf planet status. Pluto will stay
    beyond Neptune for 228 years. Plutos orbit is
    tilted to the main plane of the solar system
    where the other planets orbit by 17.1 degrees.
    Its a cold, rocky world with only a very
    ephemeral atmosphere.Discovery 1930 by Clyde
    TombaughNamed for Roman god of the underworld,
    HadesDiameter 1,430 miles (2,301
    kilometers)Orbit 248 Earth yearsDay 6.4 Earth

Pluto Statistics Pluto Statistics

Equatorial radius (km) 1,160
Mean distance from the Sun (km) 5,913,520,000
Mean distance from the Sun (Earth 1)) 39.5294
Rotational period (days) -6.3872
Orbital period (years) 248.54
Atmospheric composition Methane Nitrogen 0.3
moons of Ploto
Made by Atharv tiwariclass 6th B
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