Title: Amish 10 Apartment Copper Top Martin Birdhouse | Dresstheyard
DressTheYard.com is a division of Capitol Sheds,
Inc. Since 1998 Capitol Sheds has been offering
quality products from Amish craftsman and other
quality sources. Headquartered in beautiful
Barboursville Virginia, just a short distance
from Charlottesville Virginia, Capitol Sheds has
four retail locations where customers can view
and purchase our products.
2Lantern Posts
This elegant lantern post is constructed of
durable maintenance free vinyl for a lifetime of
service. This post is designed to slide over a
pressure treated 4x4 wood post.
3Mailbox Posts Accessories
Count on special delivery every day when you
add a beautifully crafted mailbox post and
mailbox to your outdoor décor. These posts are
made of a cellular pvc-vinyl and handcrafted with
great quality and attention to detail. Its the
perfect balance of function and style.
When your mailbox must be mounted on your front
porch along the wall, you want to make sure that
its design will enhance the look of your exterior
and greet guests in style! The Amish Cedar Roof
City Mailbox is the perfect way to add some charm
to your home while keeping your mail safely
tucked away.
5Cupola Catalog
The Signature Series are the premier cupolas.
These highly detailed cupolas are inspired by the
beauty of English castles and will add elegance
to any roof.
The Estate Series has an air of nobility. These
graceful cupolas bring class to any structure on
which they reside.
This hand-crafted weathervane will provide a
lifetime of enjoyment. It is a meticulously
detailed weather instrument and a perfect blend
of form and function. A free adjustable roof
mount is included with each rooftop weathervane!
49 Lake Saponi Drive Barboursville, VA 22923
For Customer Service