Title: English Courses Melbourne | Oz Schola
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3Our range of services is designed to ensure that
your first month in Australia is made as smooth
and easy as possible while you settle into your
academic life at your educational institution.
Our Company
Oz Schola was established to ensure International
students arriving in Australia are given the
highest quality of care, service and advice. Our
aim is to ensure students transition smoothly
into studies and everyday life in Australia. We
treat your child as if they were our own.Become
part of this growing and amazing Oz Schola
Family. Experience that personal touch. Real
people with a passion to help you from the moment
you arrive.
4Our Services
English Conversation Class Professional English
Speaking International Student Jobs English
Courses Melbourne English Fluency Course Study
in Melbourne for International Students Australi
an Universities for International
Students International Student
Services International Student Accommodation
5Worried about where you will live when you arrive
in Melbourne?
6Do you want to show your child that you care?
Receive the same type of care away from home?
7Do you want to improve your English Language
skills and learn more about Melbourne culture?
8Contact us
Oz Schola Pty Ltd Contact Number - 1300 727
723 Address Suite 445, 585 Little Collins
Street Melbourne, VIC 3000. Australia Email ID
info_at_ozschola.com.au www.ozschola.com.au