Title: SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education / sec400tutorials.com
1SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education /
2SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education
SEC 400 Entire Course (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.sec400tutorials.com SEC 400 Week 1
Individual Assignment Threats and Risks
Assessment SEC 400 Week 2 Individual Assignment
Vulnerabilities Assessment SEC 400 Week 3
Individual Assignment Managing Vulnerability SEC
400 Week 3 Learning Team Countermeasures
Strengths and Weaknesses SEC 400 Week 4
Individual Assignment Terrorism and Criminal
3SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education
SEC 400 Week 1 Individual Assignment Threats and
Risks Assessment (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.sec400tutorials.com Select an
organization in your area that you feel is in
need of additional security. You will use this
organization for the individual assignments in
Weeks One, Two, and Three. Complete the Week One
section of the University of Phoenix Material
Security Assessments Worksheet located on your
student website.
4SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education
SEC 400 Week 2 Individual Assignment
Vulnerabilities Assessment (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.sec400tutorials.com Write a 1,400- to
1,750-word paper that discusses how security
officials determine vulnerabilities to natural,
human-made, and technological threats. Apply
these strategies to your selected
organization. Include the following in your
paper Vulnerabilities associated with
informational, technological, natural, and
human-made threats
5SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education
SEC 400 Week 3 Individual Assignment Managing
Vulnerability (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.sec400tutorials.com Use the
organization you selected in Week One and the
Security Assessment Worksheet for the basis of
this assignment. Write a 1,400- 1,750-word paper
that discusses how security officials manage
identified vulnerabilities regarding natural,
human-made, and technological threats.
6SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education
SEC 400 Week 3 Learning Team Countermeasures
Strengths and Weaknesses (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.sec400tutorials.com Review Category
4 Physical Security from the University of
Phoenix Material Security Assessment Checklist
located on the student website. Research modern
security countermeasures associated with Category
4 Physical Security. Write a 350- to 700-word
summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the
7SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education
SEC 400 Week 4 Individual Assignment Terrorism
and Criminal Activity (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.sec400tutorials.com Write a 1,400- to
1,750-word paper, exploring the differences
between terrorism and criminal activity from
economic, security, and psychological
perspectives. Answer the following questions in
your paper What prevention, mitigation, and
enforcement measures are taken to avoid terrorism?
8SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education
SEC 400 Week 4 Learning Team Security Assessment
(UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.sec400tutorials.
com Conduct a security assessment of the
organization the team selected in Week Two. Write
a 350- to 700-word assessment of threats,
estimated risk, and vulnerabilities. Include at
least two threats associated with terrorism, two
threats associated with crime, and two
nature-made threats.
9SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education
SEC 400 Week 5 Learning Team Emergency Management
www.sec400tutorials.com Prepare a comprehensive
emergency management plan based on actions to
mitigate security threats. Identify preventative
and mitigating actions that will reduce
loss. Write a 2,800- to 3,150- word emergency
management plan that will be presented to
10SEC 400 TUTORIALS Innovative Education