Title: Top 10 UFO Encounters
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Kenneth Arnold Case
American businessman and Pilot Kenneth Arnold
claimed to see at least nine saucer-like flying
objects nearby Mount Rainier, Washington raging
at a speed of 1200 miles an hour.
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Washington, D.C. Sighting
CIA Robertson Panel was popularly formed due to
enraging reports of UFOs sightings were flooding
up at Washington along with unidentified radar
interactions at three airports backing up the
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Rendlesham Forest Lights
This factual piece is said to be UKs most
popular UFO encounter, and includes stories about
mysterious lights being emitted near RAF bases at
Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk.
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Levelland Case
Car Drivers in Levelland, Texas observed that
their engines stowed down after encountering a
radiant, egg-shaped UFO on Earth.
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Shag Harbour
An army of navy officers were drafted after
reports stirred about a large, unidentified
object crashing up into Shag Harbour in Nova
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Maury Island Incident
After a close encounter with the real Men In
Black, Sailor Harold Dahl claimed to have seen
six UFOs while hunting for driftwood in
Washingtons Puget Sound.
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Alien Autopsy
There can be no better UFO Evidence regarding
their existence than the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico
UFO crash story
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McMinnville UFO Pictures
May 11, 1950 was a normal day for Evelyn Trent,
who was feeding off her rabbits on the farm near
McMinnville, Oregon until she noticed a metallic
disk like object flying high in the sky.
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Tehran UFO Incident
A UFO seen by Pilots of two F-4 interceptor jets
was believed to have restricted the automated
equipment and ground control equipment in Tehran.
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The Phoenix Lights
On March 13, 1997, various Triangular UFOs in the
skies of Arizona and Nevada, US and Sonora,
Mexico were seen flying high with spherical
lights displaying dynamic colors.
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