Title: Nicholas Dematteis - Successful Business Owner
1Nicholas Dematteis Successful Business Owner
After graduating from college, having earned both
his Bachelors degree and his Masters of Science
in Engineering, Nicholas Dematteis made the
decision to move to New York to work as an
architectural engineer. While he enjoyed his time
in the Big Apple, he soon returned to Colorado as
he was drawn by his desire to help his local
community in Boulder. He has since started his
own engineering firm through which he offers a
wide range of services that benefit others.
2Nicholas Dematteis Architectural Engineer
Nicholas Dematteis made the decision to become an
architectural engineer because he has loved
designing structures ever since he was a small
child, when he would spend hours with his Lego
set. He spent a brief period of time working in
New York, before moving back to his home state of
Colorado to pursue his career further. He has
opened his own engineering firm in recent years,
which he is looking to expand in short order.
3Nicholas Dematteis Hiking Enthusiast
When he is not busy in his work as an
architectural engineer, Nicholas Dematteis likes
to spend as much time as he can hiking around the
Rocky Mountains. This is something he missed
enormously when he was living in New York, as the
city environment didnt lend itself to well to
his hiking. Colorado, on the other hand, offers
so many areas of natural beauty for him to
explore, which he often does alongside his three
4Nicholas Dematteis Improving The Standard of Life
Nicholas Dematteis currently lives and works in
Boulder, Colorado, where he is an architectural
engineer providing a range of services through
his own firm. He has lived in the state of
Colorado for his entire life, barring a brief
period during which he worked in New York. As
such, he feels an affinity for the state and
wishes to do whatever he can to help his local
community. Through his work, he is able to make
vast improvements that benefit many people.
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