Title: Modern Italian Living Room Furniture - Belvisifurniture
1Modern Italian Living Room Furniture -
- Modern living room furniture from top Italian
brands like Contempo, Calligaris and Cattelan,
Italia provides the solution to creating a
personal, elegant space to enjoy your hard-earned
relaxation time.
2Living Room Furniture
- Bookcases shelves
- Coffee table
- Console Table
- Glazed Table
- Side Tables
- Sofas, Sofa beds Armchair
- TV Audio Units, Wall Units
3Bookcases shelves
At Belvisi Furniture, browse a wide selection of
contemporary bookshelves and contemporary
bookcases including g lass shelves, swing
bookcase, etc.
Calligaris Blade Glass Shelf
Calligaris Blade Glass Shelf
Price 136
Price 1249
4TV Audio Units, Wall Units
Calligaris Seattle TV/media Unit
Cattelan Italia Panorama Adjustable TV
Cattelan Italia Seneca white TV Unit
Price 832
5Sofas, Sofa beds Armchairs
Cattelan Italia Cornelia Rocking Chair
2 Sweater contemporary leather sofa
6Contact Belvisifurniture
Address 132 Newmarket Road, Cambridge, CB5
8HE Telephone 01223 327463 Email info_at_belvi
sifurniture.co.uk Opening Hours Mon-Fri 9.30
- 5.30pmSat 9.30 - 5.30pm Web