Title: ITIL training institute in gurgaon (1)
2What ITIL IS ?..
The ITIL abbreviation stands for IT
Infrastructure Library. Originally, ITIL was
developed by the Central Computer and
Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) as a set of
comprehensive and tier-related codes of practice.
3In IT community such code of good practice was /
is very useful in terms of achieving the
efficient support and delivery of high quality,
cost effective IT services. CCTA, renamed the
Office of Government Commerce (OGC) maintains the
library and releases all updated related to ITIL.
4SSDN Technologies is recognised with Information
Systems Examinations Board (ISEB) which provide
ITIL Foundation, ITIL Lifecycle Module
Certification and ITIL Capability Modules
Training by Expert Trainers
5ITIL is accredited by Information Systems
Examinations Board (ISEB). SSDN Technologies is
an organization which prepares delegates for the
ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service
6We aim to provide industry-recognized
qualification that measure competence, ability
and performance in many areas of information
systems, with the aim of raising industry
standards, promoting career development and
providing competitive edge for employers.
7We Want To Hear From You ..
SSDN TechnologiesM-44 M-50,Old-DLF,Sec-14,Gurg
aon (HR.)Pincode-1220010124-4018080, 91
9999111686, 91 9999255792 mailus_at_ssdntech.com