Title: Driftwood Wall Art
1Driftwood A Versatile Material for Creating
Stunning Wall Arts
2Each piece of driftwood is naturally soothed by
the ocean and adds to the organic beauty of your
interior. A piece of handcrafted driftwood can
transform the look of a home in a great way.
Although sea glass is the main attraction,
driftwood doesnt lag far behind. Whether its
furniture, accessories, lighting, or wall art, it
is a sure way to create coastal style living
space that is always welcoming. A piece of flat
driftwood can be easily turned into an art of
your choice. For example, small driftwood pieces
can be combined with a flat piece to create a
wall hanging candle stand. Sculptural lights
could be designed to decorate the interior of a
beach house. Even though it is weathered and
discarded by the ocean, its value can be judged
after creating a stunning driftwood wall art.
Even, small pieces of wood can be assembled to
create a round shaped sculpture that can be hung
on the wall. Home accents Driftwood can be
used while revamping a mirror, a chalkboard frame
and wind chime. A lamp can also be created using
driftwood pieces. This lamp can be hung on a
wall, or it can be arranged on a coffee
table/shelf/dining table.
3Creating nautical lighting Today, most of the
designers focus on creating high quality and
coastal style lighting to complement your beach
house. If you want to have a historic beach house
feel, you can get some of the rustic lamp designs
long with rustic candle pendants, sea shell
chandeliers and coral shell lamps that really
look stunning at night. Wall mirror Mirror
designed from driftwood really revamps the
interior of a beach house. It delivers a natural
look and looks stunning with any shape and size.
One can order custom shape and size of mirror
that can be used as a driftwood wall art in
coastal houses. Whether its a rectangular shape,
square shape or round shape like a sunburst, they
will serve a family for many years.