Patricia Benner - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Patricia Benner


Nursing theory – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Patricia Benner

Nursing Theorist Patricia Benner
  • From Novice to Expert

By Brooke Wilson, Ann Chamberless, Jennifer
Burns,  Vicki
Purpose Introduction
  • The purpose of this presentation is to discuss
    and examine the Nursing Theorist, Patricia
    Brenner, and her nursing theory From Novice to
    Expert.  Patricia Brenner's theory explains how a
    nurse develops a sense of intuition in their
    practice and develops their critical thinking
    skills as a nurse (Blum, 2010).


Origins of the Nursing ModelWhat Motivated
Benners Novice to Expert Theory?
  • 1. Patient needs increasing
  • 2. Lengths of stays decreasing
  • 3. Advancement in medical technology
  • 4. Increased learning for nurses
  • 5. Need for more specialized nursing 
  • 6. Need for more experienced nurses
  • ?
  • With all that is required in the nursing field,
    Benner (1982) wanted to provide an understanding
    for nurses, as they develop their skills, of what
    makes a novice nurse become an expert nurse

Historical Background
Theory based on Dreyfuss (1980)  A five stage
model of the mental activities involved in 
direct skills acquisition model (Dreyfus).
  • Similarities
  • Five developmental stages
  • Increase in skills and experience gets
    advancement in stages
  • Benners nursing theory of novice to expert is
    also based on five levels of skills novice,
    advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and
    expert (Benner).  Associate Professor Cheryl
    Martin finds that nurses move through the five
    levels as they develop clinical expertise
    through experience and gain knowledge (Martin).

Hubert Stuart Dreyfus http//socrates.berkeley.e
du/hdreyfus/  http//
Benner's Philosophy
  •     Benner worked in a variety of nursing areas
    including Intensive Care Unit (ICU),
    medical-surgical, emergency, and coronary.  She
    became interested in not how to do nursing but
    how do nurses learn to do nursing. 
  •     Using the Dreyfus model, Patricia applied the
    philosophy of learning to nursing.  Aspects of
    Benner's philosophy include
  • practical situations are more complex than they
    seem and formal methods such as textbook
    descriptions, theories and models are inadequate
    to explain the complexities.  Experience and
    mastery are required to bring a skill to a higher

Benner's Philosophy, cont.
  • the connections between external and internal
    events.  Even though it may not be apparent on
    the outside, nurses develop and use their own
    philosophies about patients and their care using
    experience, ethics, and personal knowledge. 
    Benner believes nurses should "interpret their
    own concerns, practices, and life experiences"
    (Altmann, 2007, Philosophical Underpinnings
    section, para 1).
  • Benner describes her work as interpretive
    phenomenology which means observing and
    interpreting actual nursing practice to find the
    meaning of the experiences (Altmann, 2007).

Content of Nursing ModelStages of Novice to
Expert Model
  • Novice
  • Generally applies to student nurses
  • Can also apply to experienced nurses in an area
    or situation of unfamiliarity (Alligood Tomey)
  • Has little background and limited practical
  • Relies on rules and expectations of others for
    directions (Chitty Black)

Stages of Novice to Expert Model
  • Advanced Beginner
  • Applies to most newly graduated nurses
  • Feel highly responsible for managing patient
  • Still rely on the help of the more experienced
    nurse (Alligood Tomey)
  • Has marginally competent skills
  • Uses theory and principles much of the time
  • Experiences difficulty establishing priorities
    (Chitty Black)

Stages of Novice to Expert Model
  • Competent Practitioner
  • Usually applies to nurses with 2-3 years
  •  Coordinates several tasks simultaneously
    (Chitty Black)
  • Consistent, predictable, and able to manage time
  • May display hyperresponsibility for the patient
  • Begins to recognize patterns
  • Determines which elements of the situation
    warrant attention and which can be ignored
    (Alligood Tomey)

Stages of Novice to Expert Model
  • Proficient Practitioner
  • Usually applies to nurses with 3-5 years
  • Views patient holistically
  • Focuses on long-term goals (Chitty Black)
  • Can see changing relevance in a situation
  • No longer relies on preset goals for
  • Demonstrates increased confidence in their
    knowledge and abilities (Alligood Tomey)

Stages of Novice to Expert Model
  • Expert Practitioner
  • Reached only after extensive experience
  • Performs intuitively without conscious thought
  • Grasps patient needs automatically (Chitty
  • Demonstrates a clinical grasp and resource based
  • Possesses embodied know-how
  • Able to see the big picture
  • Able to recognize patterns on the basis of deep
    experiential background (Alligood Tomey)

Benners Description of Nursing
  • A caring relationship, an enabling condition of
    connection and concern
  • Caring is primary because caring sets up the
    possibility of giving help and receiving help.
  • Nursing is viewed as a caring practice whose
    science is guided by the moral art and ethics of
    care and responsibility.
  • Is the care and study of the lived experience of
    health, illness,
  •  and disease and the relationships among these
    three elements
  • (Alligood Tomey, 2011, p.148)

Benners Description of Person
  • A person is a self-interpreting being, that is,
    the person does not come into the world
    predefined but gets defined in the course of
    living a life. A person also has . . . an
    effortless and nonreflective understanding of the
    self in the world.
  • "The person is viewed as a participant in common
  • The four major aspects of understanding that the
    person must deal with 
  • The role of the situation 
  • The role of the body 
  • The role of personal concerns
  • The role of temporality 
  • (Alligood Tomey, 2011, p. 148)

Benners Description of Health
  • Health is defined as what can be assessed
  • Well-being is the human experience of health or
  • A person may have a disease and not experience
  • Illness is the human experience of loss or
  • Disease is what can be assessed at the physical
  • (Alligood Tomey, 2011, p. 149)

Benners Description of Situation (Environment)
  • She uses the term situation instead of
    environment because situation conveys a social
    environment with social definition and
  • Personal interpretation of the situation is
    bounded by the way the individual is in it.
  • Each persons past, present, and future, which
    include their own personal meanings, habits, and
    perspectives, influence the current situation
  • (Alligood Tomey, 2011, p. 149)

  • By applying the Dreyfus model to nursing, Benner
    was able to explain how nurses can have different
    stages of experience and knowledge and how these
    different stages affect how the nurse sees and
    interprets the nursing process, the patient, the
    patients health, and the environment (situation)
    the patient is in. This model demonstrates that
    the majority of nursing knowledge and expertise
    comes from actual on-the-job clinical experience.

Patricia Benner visits a patient along with Jenna
Buffington, a first-year student in the master's
entry program in nursing at UCSF.
Implications and Consequences
  • Schools of nursing have adopted Benner's model to
    use as a base for the education of nurses.
  • Hospitals and other nurse work places use the
    model as a foundation for perceptor based
    guidance of nursing students and new graduate
  • Social agencies and nursing continuing education
    program developers also use Benner's model.
  • Nursing administrators utilize the model to help
    "develop career ladders, staff development, and
    recognition and rewards programs" (Altmann, 2007,
    "Critique Of The Model," para 7).

Implications and Consequences, cont.
  • Benner's model is used to determine expert nurses
    and as a method in developing more expertise in
    nurses.  This can help optimize nursing by having
    the most knowledgeable expert nurses providing
    care and teaching the less experienced.
  • Benner's model was tested and confirmed to be
    valid.  The stages that Benner developed can be
    applied to any adult learning scenerio and not
    just nursing (Chitty Black, 2011).

Evaluation of the Nursing Model
  • Origin
  • This philosophy can be used in any professional
    setting. The novice to expert is all about how
    knowledge, intuition, and experience are
    achieved. The philosophy was based on a
    skill acquisition model developed by Dreyfus and
    Dreyfus that was based on a study of chess
    players and airline pilots (Benner, 1980).

Evaluation of the Nursing Model
  • Content
  • This model adds to the global concept of human
    being, environment, health and nursing. This
    model leads the nurse from novice to expert by
    using education and mentoring to allow nurses to
    grow to be experts. During the nurses growth the
    global concepts are in everything you learn and
    do. According to Hardt, The expert nurse profile
    includes extraordinary clinical knowledge,
    supreme connection with the patient, and the
    ability to differentiate between changes that
    matter and those that are inconsequential. 

Evaluation of the Nursing Model
  • View
  • In the aspects of nursing this model can be used
    in any type of nursing. Benner herself practiced
    in Med/Surg, ER, Coronary Care, ICUs and Home
    Health Care. According to Chitty and Black
    (2011), this model can be applied to any adult
    learning situation giving it a broad view. The
    concepts of Benners theory are pretty specific.
    You have to master the skills in one level before
    you can move to the next one. You cannot jump
    from novice to expert without going through the
    other three phases first .

Evaluation of the Nursing Model
  • Practice Situations
  • Novice/advanced  beginner
  • I took care of this neuro patient the other
    night. I am not as familiar with this type of
    patient as some of the others that I have cared
    for in the year that I have been a nurse. The
    patient was alert and oriented and then within
    the span of a few hours was getting more and more
    obtunded. The MD ordered a stat CT scan and I had
    to transport the patient for the scan. I was very
    nervous about this process because I had only
    taken a few trips to CT scan before as an ICU
    nurse and was unsure as to what may occur while I
    was off the unit. Fortunately, I was able to
    complete the transport and the patient's status
    did not change much while I was gone. I
    considered this very successful because I was
    able to complete this process without any ill
    effects to the patient.

Case Study
  • A nurse, with over 15 years experience on the
    obstetrics floor, is attempting to teach a new
    mother how to breast feed her infant.  First
    thing she does is makes sure the new mother has
    privacy, that the room is warm and the lighting
    is dimmed.  The mother is now relaxed and
    comforted by her surroundings.  The nurse
    proceeds to explain to the mother about how to
    hold her infant and get him to latch on to her
    breast.  She shows the mother a pamphlet with
    pictures explaining how this is done.  The mother
    is still a bit nervous, so the nurse reassures
    her that she can do this, with explanations of
    how it benefits the baby.  With this done, the
    mother is ready to try breast feeding for the
    first time.  The nurse is careful to continue
    reassuring the new mother and to assist her only
    when its necessary.  The nurse notices that the
    baby still will not latch on to the breast and
    immediately intervenes before the mother gets
    discouraged.  An explanation is given that
    different techniques can be used to hold the
    infant, so they are more comfortable and can
    latch on better.  When the mother places the
    infant, with instruction from the nurse, into the
    football position the latch on is successful.  Of
    course, the new mother is over joyed but asked
    the nurse what she will do if she is at home at
    cannot get the baby to eat.  The nurse is fully
    prepared and is able to get the new mother phone
    numbers for local support groups in her area.

 Question to Case Study
  • Given the previous scenario, in what stage is the
    nurse in Patricia Benners Novice to Expert

The answer is the nurse is in the expert
practitioner. She performs her education with
ease even when the situation changes. She
performs instinctively and knows her patients
needs automatically. She was able to diffuse a
potential negative situation with her patient
before the patient got discouraged.  The nurse
was fully prepared to answer all questions and
provide outside resources (Nursing
  • Alligood, M. R. Tomey, A. M. (2010). Nursing
    theorists and their work (7th ed.). Maryland
    Heights, MO Saunders, Elsevier.
  • Benner, Patricia. (2001). From Novice to Expert
    Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing
  • Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Prentice Hall
  • Benner, P. (1982). From novice to expert. The
    American Journal of Nursing, 82(3),
    402-407. Retrieved from http//
  • Chitty, K. K. Black, B. P. (2011). Professional
    nursing Concepts challenges (6th ed.).
    Maryland  Heights, MO Saunders, Elsevier.
  • Dreyfus, S.E., Dreyfus, H.L. (1980, February).
    A five stage model of the mental activities
    involved in direct skills acquisition. United
    Stated Air Force Operations Research Center
    Report 80-2.
  • Martin, M. (2002). The theory of critical
    thinking of nursing. Nursing Education
    Perspectives. 23(5), 243-247.
  • Nursing Theories. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18,
    2012 From Current Nursing http//currentnursing.

Resources and Web-Links
  • Amy Bradley
  • Blum, C. (2010). Using the Benner
    intuitive-humanistic decision-making model in
    action A case study. Nursing Education in
    Practice, 10(5), 303-307. doi 10.1016/j.nepr. 201
  • Emerita. (n.d). Patricia Benner-01-Career and
    influence in educating professionals video
    file. Retrieved from http//
  • relat
  • http//
  • Amy Bowers
  • Dreyfus, S. E., Dreyfus, H. L. (1980,
    February). A five stage model of the mental
    activities Involved in direct skills
    acquisition. United States Air Force Operations
    Research Center Report 80-2.
  • Benner, P. (1982). From novice to expert. The
    American Journal of Nursing, 82(3), 402-407.
    Retrieved from http//
  • Martin, M. (2002). The theory of critical
    thinking of nursing. Nursing Education
    Perspectives, 23(5), 243-247.
  • Nursing Theories. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18,
    2012 From Current Nursing
  • http//
    _Benner_From_Novice_to_Expert. html

Resources and Web-Links
  • Mike Dugan
  • Altmann, T. (2007, May-June).  An evaluation of
    the seminal work of Patricia Benner  Theory or
    philosophy?  Contemporary Nurse, 25.1-2. 
    Retrieved November 21, 2012, from
  • http//
  • Amanda Hubbard
  • Hardt, Marge. (2001). Core Then Care The Nurse
    Leader's Role in "Caring". Nursing
    Administration Quarterly,25(3), 37-45. 
  • http//
  • Dawn Platt
  • Gardner, L. (2011). From novice to expert
    Benner's legacy for nurse education. Nurse
    Education Today, doi 10.1016/j.nedt.2011.11.011
  • http//
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