Title: Know How Optometrist Wilshire Boulevard Beneficial for You
1Suffering from hazy or blurred vision ?
Be aware it may be symptons of Glaucoma
2What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a complicated disease in which damage
to the optic nerve leads to progressive,
irreversible vision loss. Glaucoma is the second
leading cause of blindness. Early detection and
treatment is the key to prevent optic nerve
damage and vision loss from glaucoma.
3Causes of Glaucoma
- Poor Blood Flow
- Optic Nerve Damage
- high eye pressure leads to glaucoma
Types of Glaucoma
- Open-angle glaucoma
- Angle-closure glaucoma
- Exfoliation syndrome
- Pigmentary glaucoma
4Warning Signs that indicates that you need
thorough examination by an eye doctor
- Difficulty focusing on near or distant objects
- Change in color of iris
- Swollen lids
- Recurrent pain in or around eyes
- Double vision
- Dark spot at the center of viewing
- Excess tearing or "watery eyes"
- Dry eyes with itching or burning
- Seeing spots, ghost-like images
5Who is at Risk?
- Age
- Elevated eye pressure
- Thin cornea
- Family history of glaucoma
- Nearsightedness
- Past injuries to the eyes
- Steroid use
- A history of severe anemia or shock
The treatment for glaucoma relies on the nature
and seriousness of every case. In general,
glaucoma cannot be cured, but it can be
controlled. Eye drops, pills, laser procedures,
and surgical operations are used to prevent or
slow further damage from occurring. With any type
of glaucoma, regular eye examinations are very
important to detect progression and to prevent
vision loss. Because glaucoma can worsen without
your being aware of it, your treatment will
likely need to be changed over time to achieve a
lower "target eye pressure."
7Book your appointment today and get the treatment
from the best optometrist in Los Angeles
http//onlaoptometry.com/ 3920 Wilshire Blvd Los
Angeles, CA 90010 213-375-7008