Title: BEST CBSE SCHOOL-Chandrakanthi public-Coimbatore
1Best CBSE School in Coimbatore Chandrakanthi
public school is one of the best CBSE Schools in
Coimbatore. The guiding light behind all these
institutions is the visionary zeal and love for
children. There are various salient features that
grabs the attention of the kids and the parents.
The message from the correspondent, DR.Nandhini
Now, its time to check out the Vision and
Mission of Chandrakanthi public school.
To provide and sustain a learning environment with
model facilities, which is conducive to developing the model facilities, which is conducive to developing the
intellectual,social, physical and emotional potential of intellectual,social, physical and emotional potential of intellectual,social, physical and emotional potential of
each child,thereby imbibing academic excellence,
exemplary character, social consciousness and concern exemplary character, social consciousness and concern exemplary character, social consciousness and concern
for environment.
The message from the correspondent, DR.Nandhini
Now, its time to check out the Vision and
Mission of Chandrakanthi public school.
To provide and sustain a learning environment with
model facilities, which is conducive to developing the model facilities, which is conducive to developing the
intellectual,social, physical and emotional potential of intellectual,social, physical and emotional potential of intellectual,social, physical and emotional potential of
each child,thereby imbibing academic excellence,
exemplary character, social consciousness and concern exemplary character, social consciousness and concern exemplary character, social consciousness and concern
for environment.
Click here to know moreltgt http//www.chandrapublic
.edu.in/vision-and- mission/