Title: PRG 421 GUIDE Real Success/prg421guide.com
1PRG 421 GUIDE Real Success/prg421guide.com
2PRG 421 GUIDE Real Success
PRG 421 Week 1 Individual Singleton Pattern
Program FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.prg421guide.com
Individual Singleton Pattern Program Write a
Java program (non-GUI preferred) to demonstrate
the Singleton pattern. The key parts of the
singleton pattern are
3PRG 421 GUIDE Real Success
PRG 421 Week 2 Individual ArrayList Program FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.prg421guide.com PRG 421
Week 2 Individual ArrayList Program Week 2
Individual ArrayList Program Write a Java
program (non-GUI preferred) to demonstrate the
use of an ArrayList. The program should allow a
user to do the following Add, edit, delete
different types of animals Select an animal, and
the corresponding characteristics will be
displayed (such as color, vertebrate or
invertebrate, can swim, etc.)
4PRG 421 GUIDE Real Success
PRG 421 Week 3 Individual Iterator Program FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.prg421guide.com PRG 421
Week 3 Individual Iterator Program Week 3
Individual Iterator Program Write a Java program
(non-GUI preferred) to demonstrate the use of
Iterator. The program should allow a user to do
the following Allow the reading of a collection
of animal objects from an external file.
5PRG 421 GUIDE Real Success
PRG 421 Week 4 Individual JDBC Program FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.prg421guide.com PRG 421 Week
4 Individual JDBC Program Week 4 Individual JDBC
Program Write a Java program (non-GUI preferred)
to demonstrate the use of JDBC. The program
should allow a user to do the following
6PRG 421 GUIDE Real Success
PRG 421 Week 5 Individual Concurrent
Programming FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.prg421guide
.com PRG 421 Week 5 Individual Concurrent
Programming Week 5 Individual Concurrent
Programming Write a Java program (non-GUI
preferred) that has a method named atomic().
Demonstrate in the program how two threads can,
sometimes, invoke atomic() concurrently. Create a
second version of the program in which the two
threads cannot invoke atomic concurrently.
7PRG 421 GUIDE Real Success