Title: Hair And Makeup Melbourne (1)
Makeup Artist In Melbourne
Contact At (03)9005 5908 info_at_bridesandbeauty.com
2Brides and Beauty has the most talented makeup
artist who has the depth knowledge of hair and
makeup. Shelley Bledsoe has assembled the team of
experts who have a experience in bridal , fashion
and TV makeup. Our artists are dedicated
professionals. They have knowledge of latest and
unique hair trends.
3Brides Beauty provides you with everything you
need to make your wedding day a perfect and
memorable occasion. We provides bridal and
special event hair and makeup that ensures you
get the perfect look for every occasion.
A wedding day is the most special day of a
everyones life and during this big day, every
bride wants to look at her best. The
professional Melbourne makeup artists at Brides
and Beauty make use of good quality products to
achieve the best look.
4We love to airbrush makeup! This is because it
results in the most radiant flawless look, which
lasts longer and has generally less shine.
The airbrushed look is so natural, it will look
like youre not even wearing makeup. With
airbrushing foundation, there is a more
consistent full coverage, along with spraying
neck and décolletage which gives a softer
concealing look.
5Get The Best Look On Every Type Of Occasion. Just
Contact At
Shelley Bledsoe (03) 9005 5908 ABN 40 089 904 600