NBFC Master Directions 2016 - both integration and disintegration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NBFC Master Directions 2016 - both integration and disintegration


Few days earlier, RBI had come out with a similar direction for Core Investment Company , namely the Master Direction - Core Investment Companies Directions, 2016)wherein it had consolidated all regulations applicable to a CIC under one roof. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: NBFC Master Directions 2016 - both integration and disintegration

Customer Care No. 91-11-45562222
NBFC Master Directions 2016 - both integration
and disintegration
  • On 1st September, 2016, the Reserve Bank of
    India(RBI) has issued two new sets of master
    directions, namely Master Direction - Non-Banking
    Financial Company - Non-Systemically Important
    Non-Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank)
    Directions, 2016 and Master Direction -
    Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically
    Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit
    taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions,
    2016 (Collectively referred to as Master
    Direction) for Non-Banking Financial Company
    (NBFCs) wherein RBI has compiled all earlier
    scattered regulations namely prudential norms,
    fair practice codes, registration requirements
    etc., applicable to an NBFC, under one umbrella.
  • Few days earlier, RBI had come out with a similar
    direction for Core Investment Company (CIC),
    namely the Master Direction - Core Investment
    Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016)(CIC
    Directions 2016) wherein it had consolidated all
    regulations applicable to a CIC under one roof.
    With the new directions in place, now one will
    not have to look beyond the CIC Directions 2016
    to understand the provisions applicable to a CIC.
  • Likewise, with the Master Directions in place one
    will not have to navigate from one circular to
    another to understand the various regulations
    applicable to an NBFC. Having said so, we can now
    establish that in order to understand the whole
    gamut of regulations applicable to an NBFC, one
    will not have to look beyond these new

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  • Multiple NBFCs
  • Pursuant to Para 7.1 of the revised regulatory
    framework issued vide CC No. 002 dated November
    10, 2014 the concept of multiple NBFCs was
    introduced wherein total assets of NBFCs in a
    group including deposit taking NBFCs, if any,
    will be aggregated to determine if such
    consolidation falls within the asset sizes of the
    two categories viz., NBFCs-ND (those with assets
    of less than Rs. 500 crore) and NBFCs-ND-SI
    (those with assets of Rs. 500 crore and above).
    The consequence of this consolidation was
    far-reaching. Where the total of the assets of
    all NBFCs in the group would go beyond on Rs. 500
    crores, prudential norms as applicable to an
    NBFC-ND-SI would become applicable to all small
    NBFCs in the group as well. This meant that such
    small NBFCs had to comply with the stringent
    norms of capital adequacy, credit concentration
    norms etc. The introduction of this requirement
    was done with the purpose of curbing the
    malpractice of various corporates, who would
    float various NBFCs carrying on the same business
    merely to escape the rigid requirements laid down
    by RBI. The consolidation was faced with various
    hurdles, of which one pertained to the inclusion
    of assets of CICs in the group. Following were
    the views taken by the companies
  • Aggregation of assets of NBFCs and all CICs (SIs
    and Non-SIs)
  • 1. The rationale behind this approach is that
    CICs in their very foundation are nothing but
    NBFCs, therefore they are to be included in the
    asset aggregation process.
  • Aggregation of assets of NBFCs and only CIC-Sis
  • 2. The rationale was same as above, however, RBI
    vide its FAQs on NBFCs clarified that CICs that
    were exempted from registration shall not be
    included in the asset aggregation process. The
    text of FAQs is as follows

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  • "Q 82. In terms of para 7.1 of the revised
    regulatory framework issued vide CC No. 002 dated
    November 10, 2014, total assets of NBFCs in a
    group including deposit taking NBFCs, if any,
    will be aggregated to determine if such
    consolidation falls within the asset sizes of the
    two categories viz., NBFCs-ND (those with assets
    of less than Rs. 500 crore) and NBFCs-ND-SI
    (those with assets of Rs. 500 crore and above).
    Regulations as applicable to the two categories
    will be applicable to each of the NBFC-ND within
    the group. Will this aggregation of assets apply
    to exempted category of CICs in the group?
  • Ans. No, the group requires to aggregate total
    assets of only those NBFCs which have been
    granted Certificate of Registration by the Bank.
    However, it must be ensured that the capital of
    the exempted category of CIC has not come,
    directly or indirectly, from an entity/ group
    company which has accessed public
    funds."(Emphasis Supplied)
  • Therefore, companies only included the assets of
  • Aggregation of assets of only NBFCs in the group
  • 3. The rationale behind this approach was that
    CICs, even though are NBFCs, but are governed by
    different set of directions, therefore are not to
    be included in the asset aggregation process.

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