Title: Randall Shelton – A Well Seasoned Administrative Professional
1- Randall Shelton A Well Seasoned Administrative
2Randall Shelton is the former Assistant Vice
President of Auxiliary Operations at Kennesaw
State University (KSU), Kennesaw, GA. While
serving this role, he was responsible for the
operational areas of culinary services, campus
wide printer and copier fleet, bookstore
operations, parking, transportation, campus ID
card administration, franchise operations, campus
printing, vending, student union operations,
access control, student health clinics, mail
services, and marketing, maintenance and
custodial in auxiliary areas.
3Randall Shelton has over 35 years of experience
in auxiliary operations and business development.
As an administrative professional, his areas of
expertise include Multi-unit management and new
unit start-ups Franchise, branded, and retail
concepts Auxiliary Operations Contract
Administration Conference Center Campus
Events Food service operation and design Large
scale construction management Student Housing
Information technology administration and
Facilities management, landscape, grounds,
4Randall Shelton is also a certified facilitator
and corporate trainer, Performance Training
Institute, Destiny Seminars International,
Toronto, Ontario. He started his carrier in the
year 1981 as a food service coordinator at
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. In 1984,
he took charge for the position of purchasing
specialist in the university and thereafter he
was promoted to the manager of food services.
5- Randall Shelton, while working at Kennesaw State
University received University Administrator of
the Year Award in 2015 for his several
accomplishments. In 2013, he won the Operator
Innovator of the Year Award for leading the
Universitys culinary team to the number 1
foodservice program in the nation (as recognized
by the National Restaurant Association).
6- Randall Shelton, while working at Kennesaw State
University received University Administrator of
the Year Award in 2015 for his several
accomplishments. In 2013, he won the Operator
Innovator of the Year Award for leading the
Universitys culinary team to the number 1
foodservice program in the nation (as recognized
by the National Restaurant Association).
7- Randall Shelton also holds experience in private
sector business ownership. He owned and managed a
small private construction business in Wichita
for one year (May 1992 to August 1993). While
working as a Consultant and Contractor, he worked
on two major restaurant projects and successfully
moved them from initial concept through start-up
to successful ongoing operation.
8 Thank You