Title: Will Houghton Ashburnham - An Avid Piano Player
1Will Houghton AshburnhamAn Avid Piano Player
Will Houghton of Ashburnham is a self-taught
piano player who enjoys the challenges that the
instrument provides. Having learned music through
lessons on a brass instrument for junior high and
high school bands, he broadened his interests
into guitar, and discovered that applying basic
chords to the piano can allow one to make music
and provide the foundations needed to begin
understanding the excellent range this instrument
2Will Houghton Ashburnham A Lifelong Educator and
Student of Life
Will Houghton Ashburnham has a unique educational
philosophy that requires him to have an open
mind. We cannot teach another anything. However,
we can find out whats worth knowing and help
others to become interested in learning it. If
teachers can discover what people are really
interested in, and how they can take advantage of
that passion during the education process, then
the learning process happens.
Will Houghton of Ashburnham firmly believes that
everyone has the ability to learn new things and
understand more complicated connections. Whether
theyll be able to achieve that or not, comes
down to two basic things. These two not
necessarily unique aspects are support and
guidance, two core values of any good teacher.
Will Houghton of Ashburnham believes that
wilderness can renew the spirit. He has spent
many weeks sharing this belief with old and new
friends on a variety of expeditions.
3Will Houghton Ashburnham An Experienced
Wilderness Medic
Being trained as a wilderness medic allowed Will
Houghton of Ashburnham to help those in need. And
if one spends any time in the wilderness, they
often come upon just that. Wilderness Medicine is
essentially creative problem solving, for seldom
are the tools at had that EMTs or emergency
departments have. Those who are there in those
moments, can absolutely make a life-changing -
and often lifesaving difference.
4Will Houghton Ashburnham Being a First Responder
Being a first responder is an extremely stressful
but very rewarding job. Although being a medic is
not what Will Houghton of Ashburnham does on an
everyday basis anymore, he fully understands the
pros and cons that come with the profession.
Being able to save a life is one of the most
profoundly amazing experiences a human being can
have, but there are times when all the effort in
the world will not matter.
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