Title: Astrological Facts of Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
1Astrological Facts of Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
Yellowsapphire.org.in Info_at_yellowsapphire.org.
in 91-9216116688
2Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj is known to increase
your financial status, empowering you with more
ways of earning an extra buck to your otherwise
routine paycheck.
3Yellow Sapphire for Zodiac Signs
Aries - Ruling planet of Aries is Mars which
shares good relation with lord of Yellow
Sapphire. This increases intellect, merit,
wisdom, and wealth.
4Taurus- Lord of Taurus i.e Venus shares the
average relationship with the Jupiter. Jupiter
rules over the 8th and 11th house which is
perceived to be an adverse combination.
5Gemini- For the Gemini, it will be beneficial
for the native to wear a Yellow Sapphire in major
and sub periods of Jupiter.
6Cancer- The native of Cancer Ascendant can
expect more favorable results if he wears a
Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral or Pearl. Cancer
people should always wear Yellow Sapphire
7Leo- Jupiter is considered as an auspicious
planet for Leo Ascendant. These natives would
meet good benefits at wearing the Yellow
gemstone. It will be more useful if worn with
8Virgo- Those natives of Virgo ascendant who find
obstructions in the progress of their educational
activities, or those who suffer from set backs in
property matters, should wear a Yellow Sapphire
for removal of their difficulties.
9Libra- In Libra ascendant, Jupiter is the Lord
of 3rd and 6th house. These people should only
wear Yellow sapphire if other planetary
placements would compel them to do so in the
major periods of Jupiter.
10Scorpio- Jupiter is the Lord of 2nd and 5th
house for Scorpio ascendant. The Scorpio
ascendant would be very much benefited at the
adoption of Yellow Sapphire which would further
be more favorable to wear it with Red Coral.
11Sagittarius- For the Sagittarius (Dhanu))
Ascendant Jupiter is lord of the Ascendant and
the fourth house. These natives would meet strong
charm and dominance through the gem while wearing
it along with the Ruby would take the person
towards more heights.
12Capricorn- The Capricorn is ruled by Saturn
which shares a bitter relationship with the
planet Jupiter of Yellow Sapphire. The people of
this ascendant should not wear Yellow Sapphire
13Aquarius-Yellow Sapphire for Aquarius Ascendant.
Still Yellow Sapphire can be worn in the major
period of Jupiter, more so when it is in his own
sign in the second or the eleventh bhava, to gain
wealth, children and other comforts.
14Pisces- Jupiter rules over the 10th house as
well which makes a pleasing combination
altogether and makes Yellow sapphire highly
auspicious for the natives. If Jupiter is in his
own sign in the Ascendant or the tenth house. The
results will be felt more powerful in the major
period of Jupiter.
15Contact Us
Website- Yellowsapphire.org.in Call us-
91-9216116688 Mail us- info_at_yellowsapphire.org.
Resource- http//yellowsapphire.org.in/history-an
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