Title: Frangible Bullets for Hunting Deer
1Contact- 512-306-0020
Frangible Bullets for Hunting Deer
2Big game hunting.An interesting concept.A
fascinating adventure.But only effective when you
have the right bullet. A bullet placement and
design theory has come under the scanner. Some
believe that it works and is exciting, but most
others believe that it often fails dramatically
and is incredibly risky. Some term this approach
as frangible ammo or explosive, but inadequately
so, as these bullets cannot explode, but they can
certainly break down under pressure, causing
particles to scatter throughout the tissue of the
animal. Most varmint shooters are quite familiar
with the effect as the frangible bullet often
tends to explode the animal when applied to a
2-pound rodent.
3Many deer hunters believe that frangible
ammunition can have the same effect when applied
to the lungs or heart of their target, and some
even manage to prove it by carefully placing the
ammo between into the lung chest cavity and
bringing the animal down in one smooth sweeping
motion. But this doesnt really mean that these
bullets are ideal for targeting game animals.
4However, bullet designers believe that frangible
ammo should only be used on predators whose size
doesnt exceed the coyote such as rodents,
jackrabbits, etc. If youre looking for
ammunition to use while shooting deer, go for
those deer bullets. These bullets have been
designed to strike the perfect compromise between
bullet expansion and retaining mass for proper
penetration. Simply put, these frangible bullets
offer the best of three worlds energy transfer,
penetration and tissue destruction.
5Since frangible ammunition has been designed for
maximum expansion, it can create massive
destruction when it manages to enter the most
vulnerable organs such as the lungs or the heart.
However, if you shoot the bullet into a muscle
group or a bone, it can explode, leaving a mess
There are both advantages and disadvantages to
choosing this kind of bullet for deer shooting.
It is common that the animal suddenly senses the
hunters presence and turns to run at the very
moment your hands click the trigger. By the time
your trigger pull is complete and the firing pin
falls into place, the place that was once
occupied by the animals chest is now occupied by
another body part. The moment the bullet impacts
this part, you end up with disastrous results and
nasty flesh wounds. On the other hand, high-speed
frangible bullets can successfully bring down
mule deer, pronghorns as well as whitetails when
successfully shot. The energy transfer results in
a clean, quick and nearly painless kill,
terminating the life within moments, making sure
that the animal doesnt have to suffer for a long
6Simply put, frangible ammunition is something
that simply cannot be ignored. If youre a calm,
careful shooter and a good shot, using frangible
ammo can be a great option. But the moment you
begin to rush your shots, you end up with large
flesh wounds. Perhaps this is one of the main
reasons why bullet manufacturers still dont
recommend the frangible for deer hunting.
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