Title: Tony Tata – Successful Novelist (2)
1Tony Tata Successful Novelist
A.J. Tony Tata is a successful novelist, having
reached 6 on the Barnes Noble Bestsellers list
for the book Foreign and Domestic, the final
installment in his Threat series. Tata thinks one
of the most difficult responsibilities a fiction
writer faces is to develop compelling, smart,
unique characters that entice readers to continue
exploring the story and purchase the book. An
irresistible (or suboptimal) protagonist can make
or break a novel. Pay considerable attention to
your characters formulation so to coax potential
readers and create a resounding, long-lasting
piece of literature.
2Tony Tata Leadership Roles
A.J. Tony Tata has held a number of leadership
roles including North Carolinas Secretary of
Transportation, the Deputy Commanding General of
U.S. forces in Afghanistan between 2006 and 2007,
and a top-ranked position at the highly-esteemed
concussion management company X2 Biosystems based
in Seattle, which works to protect soldiers,
student athletes and everyone in-between from the
threat of traumatic head injuries. This
particular issue is close to Tatas heart because
he has both served in combat in the Middle East
and worked as a school superintendent in Wake
3Tony Tata Secretary of Transportation
During his time as Secretary of Transportation
for North Carolina, A.J. Tony Tata managed over
12,000 employees. He was instrumental in securing
the construction contracts for the new Bonner
Bridge and making amends to the 1-40 and 1-440
rehab projects he reformed the Division of Motor
Vehicles to a more customer-friendly atmosphere
and developed a twenty-five year, detailed and
feasible vision for North Carolinas
infrastructure. Tata transitioned from the role
to civilian life in 2009. He is pursuing a career
as a novelist.
4Tony Tata Greatest Joys
One of the greatest joys of A.J. Tony Tatas
life is his two children. Hes delighted in
watching them grow up over the years. As the son
of two school teachers, Tata has always fostered
strong family values and desired to serve the
public, spreading his privilege, giving back, in
hopes that these core values will be maintained
by his children when they have children. His
daughter Brooke recently finished her Ph. D in
genetics from the Sorbonne and his son Zachary is
studying sports medicine at the University of
Southern Mississippi.
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