Title: Erin Grayson & Lisa Panepucci Are Experienced Real Estate Professionals
1Erin Grayson Lisa Panepucci Are Experienced
Real Estate Professionals
2Erin Grayson is a real estate agent with more
than 10 years of experience in property sale and
purchase. She runs a real estate office along
with her cousin Lisa Panepucci. At this real
estate office, they assist individuals and
corporate people who are looking or want to sale
or purchase properties. Erin has excellent
communication and negotiation skills, and she
carefully listens to what her clients actually
want from her. Based on the clients
requirements, she and her team do a comprehensive
research, and come up with the best deals
3The real estate office of Erin Grayson and Lisa
Panepucci is listed at the top among similar
businesses in Rome. It has been selected in the
list of best place for residential and commercial
property deals by a local real estate magazine
for three consecutive years. They provide a free
initial consultation session, in which they
provide detailed information about their
services, charges, etc.
4Lisa completed a bachelor degree in arts from a
reputed Rome based university, and after that,
she joined a local real estate company, and
worked there for 3 years. At this company, she
worked as a real estate agent, and handled a
variety of responsibilities including
interviewing clients to know their requirements,
strategic planning, advising sellers, etc.
5In 2000, Erin Grayson shifted to Verona, and
started a real estate office in collaboration
with her cousin Lisa Panepucci. This office
provides residential and corporate real estate
services. They have an online site, and customers
can get detailed information about the properties
available for sale in different areas of the
country. Besides a real estate professional,
Erin Grayson is also a true humanitarian, and
supports various charitable causes. Recently, she
has participated in a 8800-meter run, which was
organized for funding an orphanage.
6Thank You Erin Grayson Lisa Panepucci