Title: Situations That Require a Criminal Defense Attorney
1Situations That Require a Criminal Defense
2When you get charged with a crime, a criminal
defense attorney is the most important people to
call being charged with a crime, whether a
person is guilty of the offense or not, is a
scary experience. The average citizen doesn't
know much about how the court system works or
what ramifications there will be for being
accused of various crimes. You may not know
what to say or do and may become paralyzed with
fear or say way too much and accidentally
incriminate yourself, that is why making a call
to a competent Las Vegas criminal defense lawyers
is crucial.
3DUI Drinking and driving will likely end up in a
DUI charge. DUI stands for driving under the
influence you have just had a couple of beers
and had no idea you were over the legal limit of
alcohol consumption. Unfortunately, failing
sobriety tests can lead to serious ramifications,
including some jail time and loss of license to
drive. A savvy DUI lawyer will be able to go
through the evidence with a fine tooth comb and
protect the motorist to the best of his or her
4Theft Some people are charged with theft when
they've accidently taken something this may be
in the case of shopping and absent-mindedly
forgetting to pay for an item or forgetting to
return a DVD to a rental company or taking office
supplies home from the office by mistake. Once
the accusation has been made and the police show
up to make the charges, big trouble has started
and a good criminal defense lawyer must be
brought onto the case pronto.
5Juvenile offenses Parents of adolescents may
find the police at their door looking for their
son or daughter we all know that adolescence is
a time of angst and rebellion for kids.
Unfortunately, sometimes teens do stupid things
because of peer pressure or immaturity that can
have serious repercussions.
6When a parent of a teen has this nightmare occur,
he or she will want to engage a good criminal
defense attorney Las Vegas who has had experience
with this age group. The kid should get into some
trouble if they did something illegal and
foolish, but going to a Las Vegas juvenile
detention center or having one's whole life
ruined because of a dumb move is not in anyone's
best interest.
7Fraud charges Sometimes a person makes a mistake
with paperwork such as taxes, bankruptcy filings,
or insurance claims. While he or she didn't
realize an omission of facts was a huge deal, it
may, in fact, land them in the slammer charged
with fraud. This is a serious charge and requires
competent Las Vegas criminal defense lawyers on
one's side to clear the problem away.
8DWI Lawyer 711 South 9th Street, Las Vegas, NV
89101 702-942-0600 http//mileylaw.com