Statistical Aspect of Clonal Progeny Test - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Statistical Aspect of Clonal Progeny Test


Correct estimates of genetic parameters for traits of importance are needed prior to any genetic evaluation program. Heritability provides an idea to the extent of genetic control for expression of a particular trait and the reliability of phenotype in predicting its breeding value. High heritability indicates less environmental influence in the observed variation. Genotypic correlations between traits indicate the direction and magnitude of correlated responses to selection, the relative efficiency of indirect selection, and permit calculation of optimal multiple trait selection indices. In estimation of genetic parameters in forest tree species on the basis of analysis of variance (ANOVA), heterogeneity of years and genotype (or family) × environment (or Block) interaction for data sets during the juvenility to maturity life period is ignored i.e., assumption regarding homogeneity of residual means. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Statistical Aspect of Clonal Progeny Test

Statistical Aspect of Clonal Progeny Test(Major
Course Seminar)
  • ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistical Research

Shashank kshandakar Ph.D. (Agricultural
Statistics), Roll No.10684 I.A.S.R.I. Library
Avenue, New Delhi-110012

1. Introduction 2. Linear mixed model 3.
Covariance structure 4. Estimation of
parameters 5. Model selection 6. Application of
LMM to Clonal Progeny Testing 7. Illustration 8.
Conclusions 9. References
  • Forest tree breeding is the application of
    genetic, reproductive biology and economics
    principles for the genetic improvement and
    management of forest trees
  • Tree breeders face several challenges when
    studying quantitative traits due to the ontogeny
    of these traits
  • Genetic information about trees are not known
  • Long generation time of tree
  • Indirect selection is not easy
  • Seasonal fluctuations
    (Zobel et. al.,1984)

  • Traditionally, tree breeding programs have relied
    on testing full and half-sib progenies generated
    by different mating schemes
  • Advance breeding programs are increasing the use
    of clones of selected genotypes for testing and
    selection purposes
  • Progeny of a single plant obtained by asexual
    reproduction is known as clone
  • Clonal progeny test or clonal test is a method of
    estimating the breeding value of a plant by the
    performance or phenotype of its clone

  • Advantages
  • Conserve the heterosis for a long period of time
  • Increased uniformity
  • Reduction in time to get improved material into
  • Disadvantages
  • Higher costs
  • Reduced genetic diversity
  • Data collected from clonal progeny tests can
    become more complex to analyze because measures
    can be doubly repeated. First, measures of the
    same ramet taken at different moments. Second,
    measures from two ramets from the same clone are
    actually two repeated measures of the same

Linear Mixed Model
y Xß Zu e y n 1vector of observations
ß p 1vector of fixed effects u q 1
vector of random effects e n 1vector of
random residual effects n number of records or
observation q number of levels for random
effects p number of levels or component for
fixed effects X design matrix of order n p
Z design matrix of order n q ??
?? ?? e ???? ?? ?? Var ?? ?? e
?? ???? ?? ????' ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? G ??
?? ?? ?? ?? R ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? V ZGZ
Covariance Structures
  • Explain the patterns of observed correlation
    among the repeated measure data
  • Variance components are a way to assess the
    amount of variation in a dependent variable that
    is associated with one or more random effects
  • Overall model fit and the parameter estimates
    along with their standard errors is sensitive to
    the covariance structure
    (Fitzmaurice et. al., 2004)
  • Modeling the covariance structures reduces the
    number of parameters and can improve model
    convergence to an estimate
  • Covariance is also a component of the genetic
    variance estimator

Compound Symmetry (CS)
  • Simplest covariance structure with 2 unknown
  • Within clone (Subject) correlated errors presumed
    to be the same for each set of times

?? ?? ?? ?? ????' . ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ' ?? ????' . . . . ? ? . ??
?? ??
Unstructured (UN)
?? ???? ?? ?? ???????? . ?? ???? ??
?? ?? ?????? . ?? ???????? . . . .
? ? . ?? ???? ??
  • Correlation between residual is
    comparatively complex
  • Appropriate when data is balanced and number of
    measurement occasions is relatively small

and unknown parameter are ??(????) ??
First Order Autoregressive AR (1)
  • Homogeneous variances
  • Covariance decline exponentially with distance
  • The number of unknown parameter is 2

s2 ?? ?? . ?? ?? ?? ??
??-?? . . . . ? ? . ??
Heterogeneous Compound Symmetry
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? . ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? . . .
. ? ? . ?? ?? ??
  • Correlation is constant
  • The number of unknown parameter r 1

Estimation of Parameter
  • Mixed Model Equations
    (Henderson, C.R. 1984)
  • The BLUP methodology is used to predict breeding
  • For BLUP analysis the pedigree data on selected
    parents as well as non-selected contemporaries
    are included in the analysis
  • Models can be extended to more complicated
    effects, such as (a) Correlated traits (b)
    Interactions between environment and genotype (c)
    Heterogeneous variance
  • ??' ?? -?? ?? ??' ?? -?? ?? ??'
    ?? -?? ?? ??' ?? -?? ?? ?? -?? ?? ??
    ??' ?? -?? ?? ??' ?? -?? ??
  •   ?? ?? ??' ?? -?? ?? ??'
    ?? -?? ?? ??' ?? -?? ?? ?? ' ?? -?? ?? ?? -??
    -?? ??' ?? -?? ?? ??' ?? -?? ??
  • ?? (?? ?? -?? ??) - ?? ?? -?? ??) ??
    GZ ?? -?? (y-X ?? )

Estimation of parameter
  • Maximum Likelihood Method
  • Maximum likelihood estimates of the variance
    components can be obtained by maximizing the
    log-likelihood with respect to each parameter
  • This means find the values of fixed, random and
    residual effects that maximize the likelihood
    function over the parameter space
  • y Xß Zu e
  • E(y) Xß Var (y) V ZGZ R
  • y N (Xß , ZGZ R)
  • Likelihood function is then
  • ??(2? ) - 1 2 ?? ?? - ?? ?? exp - ?? ??

Estimation of Parameter
  • Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method
  • y Xß Zu e
  • Ly LXß LZu Le (LX 0)
  • Restrict the data to N - p modified observations,
    which are independent of ß then maximize the
    likelihood of these restricted modified
  • REML corrects the bias associated with maximum
    likelihood estimates by taking into account the
    degrees of freedom used for estimating the fixed
  • Less numerically intensive than the Maximum
    Likelihood Method

Estimation of Parameter
  • An ExpectationMaximization (EM) Algorithm is an
    iterative method for finding Maximum Likelihood
    estimates of parameters in statistical models,
    where the model depends on unobserved (latent)
  • The EM iteration alternates between performing an
    expectation (E) step and maximization (M) step
  • Expectation (E) step - creates a function for the
    expectation of the log likelihood evaluated using
    the current estimate for the parameters
  • Maximization (M) step- computes parameters
    maximizing the expected log-likelihood found on
    the E step
  • Iterate steps E and M until convergence

Estimation of Parameter
  • NewtonRaphson procedure
  • x f(x)
  • x1 x0 ??( ?? 0 ) ??( ?? 0 )
  • Then use x1 in place of x0, to obtain a new
    update x2
  •   xn1 xn ??( ?? ?? ) ??( ?? ??1 )
  • The process is repeated until a convergence
    criterion is reached i.e., xn1 xn d
  • A NewtonRaphson optimization algorithm is
    usually preferred to EM to obtain the ML or REML
    estimates of G and R
  • A disadvantage of EM is that its rate of
    convergence can be extremely slow if a lot of
    data are missing
  • (Lindstrom and Bates 1988)

Model Selection
  • Likelihood Ratio Test
  • Model selection is the task of selecting
    a statistical model from a set of candidate
    models for a given data
  • Let ?? ?? Reduced model and ?? ????
    full model be the maximum value of the
    likelihood of the data with and without the
    additional assumption about parameters
  • H0 reduced model is true HA full model is
  •  ? ?? ?? ?? (????)   LRTS - 2??????
    ?? ?? 2 (0?1)
  • Computes ???????? and rejects the assumption
    if ???????? is larger than a Chi-Square
    percentile with q degrees of freedom

Model Selection
  • How well some specified model fits to the data?
    Various Information Criteria cannot tell
    anything about the quality of the model in an
    absolute sense
  • Akaikes Information Criteria (AIC)
  • AIC -2 ln(L) 2p
  • L is the likelihood function
  • p the number of free parameters to be estimated
  • N is the number of observation
  • Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)
  • BIC - 2ln(L) p ln(N)
  • HannanQuinn Information Criterion (HQC)
  • HQC - 2ln (L) p lnln(N)

Layout of Clonal Progeny Trials
Family Clone     Block      
  1 2 3 4 r
  11 Y111 Y112 Y113 Y114 Y11r
1 12 Y121 Y122 Y123 Y124 Y12r
  1n Y1n1 Y1n2 Y1n3 Y1n4 Y1nr
  21 Y211 Y212 Y213 Y214 Y21r
2 22 Y221 Y222 Y223 Y224 Y22r
  2n Y2n1 Y2n2 Y2n3 Y2n4 Y2nr

  G1 Yg11 Yg12 Yg13 Yg14 Yg1r
G G2 Yg21 Yg22 Yg23 Yg24 Yg2r
  Gn Ygn1 Ygn2 Ygn3 Ygn4 Ygnr
Application of LMM to Clonal Testing
  • Planting more than one ramet from the same
    genotype in the same trial generates correlated
    residual effects from different blocks
  • Linear mixed models (LMM) methodology that is
    suitable for the statistical and genetic analyses
    of spatially repeated measures collected from
    clonal progeny tests
  • The variance component estimation and the
    heterogeneity of the clones propagated within
    blocks are of primary interest
  • Most commonly assumed covariance structures are
    Compound symmetry (CS), First-order
    autoregressive AR (1) and Unstructured (UN)
    (Negash, 2014)

Layout of Clonal Progeny Trials
Family Clone     Block      
  1 2 3 4 r
  11 Y111 Y112 Y113 Y114 Y11r
1 12 Y121 Y122 Y123 Y124 Y12r
  1n Y1n1 Y1n2 Y1n3 Y1n4 Y1nr
  21 Y211 Y212 Y213 Y214 Y21r
2 22 Y221 Y222 Y223 Y224 Y22r
  2n Y2n1 Y2n2 Y2n3 Y2n4 Y2nr

  G1 Yg11 Yg12 Yg13 Yg14 Yg1r
G G2 Yg21 Yg22 Yg23 Yg24 Yg2r
  Gn Ygn1 Ygn2 Ygn3 Ygn4 Ygnr
Clonal Progeny Test
  • The general linear mixed model that corresponds
    to this clonal progeny test is
  • yijk µ fi cij Bk Iik eijk
  • y µ1N Xrßr Zgvg ZnvnZivi e
  • where, y is the N1 vector of observations
  • Xr and ßr are the known Nr coefficient matrix
    and r1 vector of fixed effects respectively
  • Zg, Zn and ZI are the Ng, N(gn), and N(gr)
    coefficient matrices for the random effects
  • ?g, ?n and ?I are the vectors of random family,
    clone, and interaction effects, respectively
  • e is the N1 vector of random errors
  • Ngnr

Variance Formulation and Modeling
  • The variance of the vector of random effect is
    represented as
  • Var (v) ?????? ( ?? ?? ) ?????? (
    ?? ??, ?? ?? ) ?????? ( ?? ??,
    ?? ?? ) ?????? ( ?? ??, ?? ?? ) ?????? ( ??
    ?? ) ?????? ( ?? ??, ?? ?? ) ?????? ( ??
    ??, ?? ?? ) ?????? ( ?? ??, ?? ?? )
    ?????? ( ?? ?? )
  • ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
    ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ( ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ) ??
    ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ( ??
    ?? ? ?? ?? )
  • The following assumptions are involved in the
    variance formulation are
  • Cov (fi, fi) 0
  • Cov (cij, cij') Cov (cij, cij)0
  • Cov (Iik, Iik) Cov (Iik, Iik') 0

Variance Formulation and Modeling
  • Var(e) Var ?? ???? ?? ???? ? ?? ????
    ? ?? ???? ?? ???? ? ?? ???? ?
    ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ??
    ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ?
    ? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ??
    ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ??
    ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ??
    ?? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ??
  • Var( ?? ???? ) (Ig ? In ? ?e)
  • where ?? ???? ?? ????1 ?? ????2 ??
    ?????? is the vector of residual effects
    measured for subject(clone) ij and Se is the
    variancecovariance matrix of eij, i.e., residual
    effects are correlated within clones

Variance Formulation and Modeling
  • Se must be modeled to estimate variance and
    covariance components which can be used in any
    further genetic analysis
  • Cov(eij, eij) Cov(eij, eij)0
  • E(y) µ Bk
  • Var (y)
  • Zg Zn ZI ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
    ?? ?? ?? ?? ( ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ) ?? ??
    ?? ?? ?? ?? ( ?? ??
    ? ?? ?? ) ?? ?? ' ?? ?? ' ?? ?? '
  • (Ig ? In ? ?e)

Variance Formulation and Modeling
  • The variancecovariance matrix for any vector of
    measures for clone ij is
  • Var(yij) Var ?? ????1 ?? ????2 ? ??
    ?????? ?????? (?? ????1) ??????( ??
    ????1 ,?? ????2 ) ??????( ?? ????1 ,?? ????2
    ) . ?????? (?? ????2) ??????( ?? ????1
    ,?? ????2 ) . . . . ? ? . ?????? (??
  • Elements along the diagonal are the total
    variance for each clone is
  • Var (yijk) Var (µ fi cij Bk Iik eijk
  • ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
    ?? ??  
  • where, ?? ?? 2 , ?? ?? 2 , ?? ?? 2 and ??
    ?? 2 are the variances of family, clone within
    family, family-by-block, and residual effects,

Variance Formulation and Modeling
The covariance matrix between vectors of two
clone from the same family but different block
?????? ?? ???? ,?? ????'
??????( ?? ?????? ,?? ????'?? ) ??????( ??
?????? ,?? ????'?? ) ??????( ?? ?????? ,??
????'?? ) . ??????( ?? ????'?? ,?? ????'?? ) ?
??????( ?? ?????? ,?? ????'?? ) . . . . ?
? . ??????( ?? ?????? ,?? ????'?? ) Cov
(Yijk ,Yijk) Cov( µ fi cijBk Iik
eijk ),( µfi cijBk Iik eijk)
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????' where
Cov(eijk, eijk')see' is the covariance between
residuals of the same clone in two blocks.
Genotypic Variance
The observational components of variation from
LMM of clonal progeny test are better depicted by
calculating different covariances between two
vegetative copies of the ij-th clone Yijk
gij Esijk where, yijk - Phenotypic value
gij is the genotypic value and Esijk is the
specific environmental effect associated with the
kth block The covariance between two ramets of
the ij-th genotype, planted in blocks kth and
kth is Cov (Yijk ,Yijk) e ( gij Esijk ) (
gij Esijk ) e ( g2ij gijEsijk gij
Esijk Esijk Esijk) VG ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ????'
Variance Formulation and Modeling
The covariances between from two different clones
from the same family and same block Cov (Yijk ,
Yijk) Cov( µ fi cij Bk Iik eijk , µ
fi cij Bk Iik eijk) ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? The covariance between two different
clones from the same family but different
blocks Cov (Yijk ,Yijk) Cov( µ fi cij Bk
Iik eijk , µ fi cij Bk Iik
eijk) ?? ?? ?? The covariance
matrix between vectors of two clone from
different families is zero, i.e., Cov (Yijk ,
Yijk) Cov (Yijk , Yijk)0
Genotypic Variance
P G E G x E GADI P is
the phenotypic value G is the genotypic value E
is the environmental deviation and GE is the
genotype by environment interaction A is the
sum of the breeding values of all loci that
contribute to the character D is the sum of
dominance deviations within individual loci I
is the interaction or epistatic deviation between
V E VG x E
Estimation of Variance Components
The covariance between two different individuals
(clones) from the same family planted in the same
block is expressed in terms of genetic components
is For two full sibs Cov (Yijk ,Yijk) 1/2VA
1/4VD VEc

For two half sibs Cov (Yijk ,Yijk) 1/4VA
VEc (Zamudio et. al., 2008)

where, VA and VD are the additive and dominance
variances, respectively, and VEc is the variance
of the common microenvironment (block) effects.
Estimation of Variance Components
The covariance between two different clones from
the same family planted in different blocks is
expressed in terms of genetic components is For
two full sibs Cov (Yijk ,Yijk) 1/2VA 1/4VD

For two half sibs Cov (Yijk
,Yijk) 1/4VA (Zamudio et al., 2008)
Where, VA and VD are the additive and dominance
variances, respectively
Estimation of Variance Components
Cov (Yijk ,Yi'jk) ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Cov (Yijk ,Yijk) ?? ?? ?? Half sibs, the
comparison of the same expressions will give us
the following direct estimation ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????
Full sib families, the comparison of the same
expressions will give us the following direct
estimation   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????
Regardless of the type of pedigree, the observed
variance of the family-by-block effects will be
an estimator of the variance of common
microenvironment effects

Estimation of Variance Components
The environmental effect has two components, the
specific microenvironment effect i.e., within the
block (ESij) and the common microenvironment
effect i.e., between to the block (ECk) VE VEs
VEc Yijk gij Eck
EEs gij Eck gij Ees Assuming negligible
genotype-by-microenvironment variances, we have
the following estimation of the phenotypic
variance VG VEs VEc ?? ?? 2 ?? ?? 2
?? ?? 2 ?? ?? 2 Replacing VG and VEc by
their estimators, we have ?? ?? 2 ?? ?? 2
?? ????' VEs ?? ?? 2 ?? ?? 2 ?? ??
2 ?? ?? 2 ?? ?? 2 ?? ????' 2 VEs
?? ?? 2 VEs ?? ?? 2 - ?? ????'
  • Genetic parameters are important to understand
    the inheritance pattern of traits
  • Make predictions of response to selection
  • Precise rankings of outstanding genotypes
  • Heritability
  • h2 ?? ?? ?? ?? H2 ?? ?? ?? ??
  • Provides an idea to the extent of genetic control
    for expression of a particular trait
  • Reliability of phenotype in predicting its
    breeding value
  • High heritability indicates less environmental
    influence in the observed variation

Family Clone Height Height Diameter Diameter
Family Clone Block1 Block2 Block1 Block2
1 1 49.63 51.35 0.68 0.46
2 51.13 41.64 0.29 0.42
3 45.00 42.95 0.44 0.29
2 1 47.48 50.41 0.33 0.21
2 51.65 42.75 0.44 0.52
3 43.61 51.52 0.61 0.32
3 1 47.23 45.35 0.50 0.32
2 50.14 43.84 0.37 0.57
3 42.01 41.30 0.42 0.44
4 1 48.14 50.24 0.61 0.50
2 46.81 50.21 0.23 0.68
3 49.52 49.41 0.67 0.28
5 1 51.45 46.50 0.33 0.36
2 46.97 48.61 0.65 0.22
3 42.12 49.43 0.65 0.61
  • Tree breeding is the application of genetic,
    reproductive biology and economics principles for
    the genetic improvement and management of forest
  • Tree breeders face several challenges when
    studying quantitative traits due to the ontogeny
    of these traits
  • Scarcity of Basic genetic information about trees
  • Long generation time of tree
  • Indirect selection is not easy
  • Seasonal fluctuations

Information Criteria Likelihood Ratio Tests of
Covariance Structures
-2ln? 154.1 157.5 154 157.1
AIC 162.1 169.5 164 169.1
AICC 163.9 173.1 166.7 172.8
HQIC 157.9 163.2 158.7 162.8
BIC 160.6 167.1 162 166.8
CAIC 164.6 173.1 167 172.8
-2ln? -32.3 -22.8 -22.8 -32.3
AIC -22.3 -16.8 -14.8 -20.3
AICC -19.8 -15.8 -13.1 -16.7
HQIC -27.5 -19.9 -19 -26.6
BIC -24.2 -18 -16.4 -22.7
CAIC -19.2 -15 -12.4 -16.7
Variance Components Genetic Parameters Variance Components Genetic Parameters Variance Components Genetic Parameters
  Diameter Height
?? ?? ?? 2.38E-20 0.7204
?? ?? ?? 0.000125 0.2344
?? ?? ?? 0 0
see' 0.00456 2.4974
?? ?? ?? 0.02488 13.7124
VG 0.004685 3.4522
VP 0.025005 14.6672
H2 0.187363 0.235369
VEs 0.02032 11.215
VEc 0 0
?? ?? ?? /VP 9.52E-19 0.049116
?? ?? ?? /VP 0.004999 0.015981
VEs/VP 0.812637 0.764631
VEc/VP 0 0
  • Correct estimates of genetic parameters for
    traits of importance are needed prior to any
    genetic evaluation program
  • Heritability provides an idea to the extent of
    genetic control for expression of a particular
    trait and the reliability of phenotype in
    predicting its breeding value
  • High heritability indicates less environmental
    influence in the observed variation
  • Estimation of genetic correlation (juvenile
    mature plant) is used to evaluate the possibility
    to conduct early selection

  • In clonal progeny test (where most of the traits
    are correlated or heterogeneous variance among
    residual) covariance is also a component of the
    genetic variance estimator and plays a
    significant role in accurate estimated of genetic
  • Linear mixed model based on ML or REML
    approximation for modeling of covariance
    structure of repeated measure data can improve
    ability to analyze repeated measures data
    and suitable for the statistical and genetic
  • Linear mixed model methodology not only permits
    the presence of heterogeneity of variance in the
    linear model but also allows addressing directly
    the covariance structure by providing valid
    standard errors.

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