Title: Pop Retail Displays by Planetplastics
1Pop Retail Displays
- By Planet Plastics
- Web http//planetplastics.com
2About PlanetPlastics
We Are Global Leading Plastic Molding Company
We are a global leading plastic molding company
in the manufacturing of plastic POP displays,
lighting components, motion picture and theme
park props, food case displays, museum displays,
spheres, hemispheres and many other custom
fabricated products. For over 50 years Planet
Plastics has been dedicated to providing
excellent customer service and delivering quality
products on time and at competitive prices. We
provide our customers with specialized products
to meet exact specifications in small or large
volumes. Our experienced staff works closely with
designers and engineers to form ideas into
3About Pop Retail Displays
For over a half a century Planet Plastics has
been at the cutting edge of design,
manufacturing, marketing and fulfillment of the
most innovative point of purchase displays and
fixtures available anywhere. Planet offers the
industrys best domestic sourcing solution for
leading specialty retailers, restaurants and
brand merchandisers. Our clients forge long-term
relationships with us as they come to rely on our
commitment to delivering exceptional solutions,
innovation, quality, service and value for our
custom store fixtures and merchandising displays.
We look forward to the opportunity to consult and
bid on your next project. Point of Purchase
Displays (POP Retail Displays POP Counter
Displays)Museum CasesAquariums
PedestalsAcrylic ArtShelving Store Fixtures and
4Designs Of Pop Retail Displays
5How do you spur the consumer into making an
impulse purchase?
- The incentive role of a counter display in sales
activation cannot be underestimated. An extensive
study carried out in 2012 showed that consumers
are less inclined to plan their purchases. 76 of
decisions are taken in store. - A counter display is a key tool for encouraging
impulse buying. - A quality display stand promotes your product and
is a reminder of the values associated with it. - A counter display can supplement the message of
an advertising campaign and optimize its effects.
Our counter display stands, like all our POS
products, are based on the latest advances in
point-of-sale marketing.
6High quality counter displays made to suit to
your requirements.
- Bespoke counter displays made for each project.
- Temporary or permanent. Any material cardboard,
Plexiglas, metal, etc. - Corporate social responsibility sustainability
of materials and techniques taken into account. - Transparent budgeting.
- Production workshops in Belgium.
- Scrupulous monitoring of production and strict
quality control. - Virtual simulation of the display unit in
7Point of Purchase Pop Retail Displays at
Planetplastics Now!
For over 50 years, Planet plastics Now has been a
premier designer and manufacturer of high-quality
cardboard POP Displays and Specialty Packaging,
including counter and floor displays, brochure
holders, and pallet displays. Our in-store
marketing expertise in designing and
manufacturing custom corrugated cardboard point
of purchase displays and retail packaging will
help you sell more of your product.
8Thanks For Watching Us