Title: BSA 375 MART Inspiring Minds/bsa375mart.com
1BSA 375 MART Academic Coach/bsa375mart.com
- www.bsa375mart.com
2BSA 375 Entire Course (UOP) Â FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.bsa375mart.com   BSA 375 Week 1
Discussion Question 1 BSA 375 Week 1 Discussion
Question 2 BSA 375 Week 2 Discussion Question 1
BSA 375 Week 2 Discussion Question 2 BSA 375
week 2 Individual Assignment Service Request
SR-rm-004, Part 1 Paper BSA 375 Week 3 Discussion
Question 1 BSA 375 Week 3 Discussion Question
2 BSA 375 week 3 Individual Assignment Service
Request SR-rm-004, Part 2 Paper BSA 375 Week 4
Discussion Question 1 BSA 375 Week 4 Discussion
Question 2 BSA 375 week 4 Individual Assignment
Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 3 Paper - create
using Riverpoint
3BSA 375 Week 1 Discussion Question 1 (UOP) Â FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com   Why do
heuristics and biases play a major role in the
success or failure of an IT project? What
specific kinds are the most influential factors,
in general and for your specific organization?
4BSA 375 Week 1 Discussion Question 2 (UOP) Â FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com   Based
on Tallon and Scannells (2007) article, describe
information life cycle management (ILM) and the
relationship to the cost of storage. Based
on Mitchells (2007) article, explain how
Musicland stores were converted to the Trans
World Entertainment system in 90 days.
5BSA 375 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 (UOP) Â FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com  a.What
is enterprise-wide analytics technology, and how
does it play a part in understanding business
processes? What are the challenges in rolling out
a business intelligence tool?
6BSA 375 Week 2 Discussion Question 2 (UOP) Â FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com  Based on
Perkins (2007) article, list five reasons why
projects fail. Provide an example of a project
failure. Based on Stotzs (2007) article,
why is it important to define adequately the use
of a system? List
7BSA 375 Week 2 Individual Assignment Service
Request SR-rm-004, Part 1 Paper (UOP) Â FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com  Individual
Assignment Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 1
The final individual paper for this class
is comprised of three sections and due in Week
Four. One section of the paper is due each
week. Complete Section 1 of 3 for the
final paper due in Week Four. Using the Service
Request SR-
8BSA 375 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 (UOP) Â FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com  What are
the differences between the human-centered and
user-centered approaches? Do you agree that
human-centered approach is more effective?
Explain why or why not.
9BSA 375 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 (UOP) Â FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com  Based on
the Geoff Keston (2009) article Scrum Project
Management Techniques, how has
10BSA 375 Week 3 Individual Assignment Service
Request SR-rm-004, Part 2 Paper (UOP) Â FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com  Individual
Assignment Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 2
Paper Complete sections 2 of 3 for the final
paper due in Week Four. This weeks assignment
incorporates the transition from analysis to
design. You may consider revising section 1 based
upon faculty feedback. Prepare a 4-6 page paper
that accomplishes the following Describe the
application architecture and process
design. Include a high-level description of the
security controls that you recommend for the
design of this HR system. Apply the tools of
systems analysis to describe the information
systems architecture in terms of data,
processes, interfaces, and network.
11BSA 375 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 (UOP) Â FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com  Is
testing a distinct phase of a project, or does it
come into play during other phases? Explain your
answer. How might tools help the quality and
effectiveness of testing?
12BSA 375 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 (UOP) Â FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com  Based on
Davidson and Kumagais (2008) article, list three
advantages and risks associated with open source
13BSA 375 Week 4 Individual Assignment Service
Request SR-rm-004, Part 3 Paper - create using
www.bsa375mart.com  Individual Assignment
Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 3 Paper
Complete section 3 of 3 for the final paper This
weeks assignment incorporates the transition
from design to implementation. You may consider
revising sections 1 and 2 based upon faculty
14BSA 375 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Service
Request SR-kf-013 Paper and Presentation
(UOP) Â FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bsa375mart.com
 1. Learning Team Assignment Service
Request SR-kf-013 (Due Week Five) Create a
Learning Team Charter. Complete Service Request
SR-kf-013. Develop Requirements for Kudler Fine
Foods Frequent Shopper Program. Prepare a 12-16
page paper and a PowerPoint presentation of the
project, due in Week Five. Assume that the paper
and the presentation are to be delivered to an
executive management committee. At a minimum, the
paper should include the following Business
objectives with supporting measures of success
for the project
15BSA 375 MART Academic Coach/bsa375mart.com
- www.bsa375mart.com